
陈雷英语 语文教学 英语录音 四年级上 查看内容


2021-8-30 11:18| 发布者: admin| 查看: 360| 评论: 0

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Lesson Twenty-Seven

Two Stories


Bian Que Cures Diseases

1.One day, the famous doctor Bian Que went to visit Marquis Huan of Cai.

2.Bian Que stood beside Marquis Huan of Cai for a moment and said, “As far as I can see, you have a little skin disease.

3.If it is not cured, it will develop into the body.”

4.Marquis Huan of Cai said, “I’m in good health and I’m not sick.”

5.After Bian Que left, Marquis Huan of Cai said to the people around him, “These doctors always like to treat people who are not sick.

6.It’s easy to show their cleverness by treating people who are not ill!”

7.Ten days later, Bian Que came to see Marquis Huan of Cai again and said that, “Your disease has developed into skin and flesh, and the condition will get worse if not treated.”

8.Marquis Huan of Cai was very unhappy and ignored him.

9.Bian Que left again.

10.Ten days later, Bian Que came again and said to Marquis Huan of Cai, “It has developed into the stomach, and it will become more serious if you do not treat it.”

11.Marquis Huan of Cai was very unhappy.

12.Bian Que hurriedly got out.

13.Ten days later, Bian Que saw Marquis Huan of Cai from a distance.After only a few eyes, he turned around and ran away.

14.Marquis Huan of Cai felt strange and sent someone to ask him, “Bian Que, when you met Marquis Huan of Cai this time, why did you run away without saying a word?”

15.Bian Que explained, “If one is sick on the skin, he can be cured with hot compress; when the disease develops into skin and flesh, it can be cured by acupuncture; even if it develops into the stomach, it can be cured by taking a few doses of herbal medicine; once the disease goes deep into the bone marrow, even the doctor can do nothing about it anymore.

16.Now his illness has penetrated into the bone marrow, so I no longer ask him for treatment!”

17.Five days later, Marquis Huan of Cai was in pain and sent someone to ask Bian Que to treat him.

18.Bian Que knew that Marquis Huan of Cai would come to invite him, and he went to Qin State a few days ago.

19.Soon, Marquis Huan of Cai died of illness.


Ji Chang Learns Archery

1.Fei Wei is an archery expert.

2.A man named Ji Chang wanted to learn archery, so he went to Fei Wei for advice.

3.At the beginning of practice, Fei Wei said to Ji Chang, “If you want to learn archery, you should first work hard to practice your eyesight.

4.You should keep a firm eye on one goal, and don’t blink!”

5.Ji Chang returned home, and followed Fei Wei’s instructions to practice.

6.When his wife was weaving, he was lying face up under the loom, with his eyes opened and fixed on the foot tweezers moving up and down.

7.Two years later, Ji Chang’s skills were quite good.

8.Even if the sharp point of the cone was about to pierce the corner of his eye, his would not blink.

9.Ji Chang was very satisfied with his achievements.He thought he had finished his practice and went to visit Fei Wei again.

10.Fei Wei said to him, “Although you have made great achievements, your eyesight is not good enough.

11.You should practice to see the tiny things very big and the indistinct things very clearly, and then come to see me again.

12.Ji Chang remembered Fei Wei’s words, returned home and began to practice again.

13.He tied a louse with an oxtail hair, hung it by the window.He stood next to the louse every day, staring at it attentively.

14.The little louse became bigger day by day in the eyes of Ji Chang.After practicing, it was as big as a wheel.

15.Having made such great progress, Ji Chang ran to Fei Wei and reported the good news.

16.Fei Wei said happily, “You are going to succeed!”

17.Since then, Fei Wei began to teach him how to bow and shoot arrows.

18.Later, Ji Chang became one of the best archers.



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