
陈雷英语 语文教学 英语录音 四年级上 查看内容


2021-8-30 11:26| 发布者: admin| 查看: 419| 评论: 0

摘要: Lesson EighteenCattle and Geese1.People said that, in the eyes of cattle, people are bigger than them, so they are afraid of people; in the eyes of geese, people are smaller than them, so they are not ...

Lesson Eighteen

Cattle and Geese

1.People said that, in the eyes of cattle, people are bigger than them, so they are afraid of people; in the eyes of geese, people are smaller than them, so they are not afraid of people.


2.We all believe in that.


3.So when we see a cattle, we are not afraid it at all.We dare to pat its back, touch its belly and even touch its ass with branches!

4.But the cow seems to be indifferent.It just winks and shakes its tail a few times.

5.Some children dare to bend their horns, telling them to kneel down and ride on the back of the cattle.

6.Although I was afraid to do that at that time, I could beat the back of the cattle with my fist.

7.When we see a goose, it’s totally different.We always stand in a safe place far away before we dare to look at it.

8.If we meet a goose on the road, we will try to stay away and walk around.


9.Once, when we came home from school and walked by the pond, we saw four big white geese swimming in the water near the shore.

10.We stopped talking at once, and walked quietly against the wall.

11.I was afraid that they would come after me when they saw us.

12.At this moment, a naughty child deliberately tried to lead them, so he let out a cry.

13.After hearing the cry, the geese stood up and looked sideways.They swam to the shore and came up to us with a shake and a swagger, craning its neck, screaming and flapping its wings, as if they didn’t see us at all.


14.We screamed and ran away in a hurry, and the geese chased faster.

15.I was so scared that I couldn’t run fast.

16.Then the old male goose, who had led the way, came pattering along.It came up to me, opened its mouth, bit the skirt on my chest with its break, and held me tightly.

17.In the hurry, I lost my schoolbag and my shoes.

18.It must kill me, I thought.

19.I cried and barked, but I didn’t know what to bark at that time.It was probably called like this, “Goose is going to eat me!

20.Goose is killing me!”

21.Perhaps it was my crying that annoyed the old male goose even more.

22.It dragged me with all its strength, pecked me and flapped its wings to beat me.

23.I was almost dragged down by it

24.Because I was very young at that time, I was just as tall as it was!

25.Several geese were screaming and cheering behind.


26.Just then, a small boat was rowed in the pond, and Uncle Jin Kui, who was catching fish, jumped ashore from the boat and walked up quickly (I didn't know all this until later, and I was completely confused at that time).

27.Uncle Jin Kui is a strong man.His arms are thicker than my legs.

28.He grasped the goose’s long neck.

29.The goose scratched him with its claws and pecked him with its mouth.

30.But Uncle Jin Kui’s strength was so great that he gently lifted the goose, and then, he shouted and threw the old male goose into the air, like a wine bottle.

31.The goose spread its wings and fell into the pond.

32.Then, the other three geese were afraid, and they spread their wings, jumped into the pond and swam away.

33.It was so cool that all the children in the distance laughed, and I laughed with tears.

34.All the horrors have disappeared.

35.For Uncle Jin Kui, the goose was so weak and meant nothing.They were just like a wine bottle!

36.Uncle Jin Kui helped me put on my shoes, picked up my schoolbag, touched my head with his big hand, and said, “Goose is nothing to be afraid of!

37.Look how scared you are.”


38.I said, “Because geese think we are smaller than them!”


39.Uncle Jin Kui said, “Let it be so optimistic!

40.However, if it bullies people for this reason, we will have to grab it by the neck and throw it into the pond.

41.Remember, Lin, don’t be afraid of them next time.”


42.I remember Uncle Jin Kui’s words, and I am no longer afraid of geese.

43.There is nothing to be afraid of!

44.Although it looks at us smaller than it, we are really better than it!

45.There is no need to fear it at all?

46.Sure enough, I wasn’t afraid of it, and it didn’t dare to bite me.When they met me, what they can do is just scream and fan their wings, and then waddle away.


47.When I meet a cattle, I no longer bully it, for no reason.I think that although we are bigger than it in its eyes, we have why do we bully it for no reason?


48.Until now, I still remember Uncle Jin Kui’s words.


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