
陈雷英语 语文教学 英语录音 四年级上 查看内容


2021-8-30 11:26| 发布者: admin| 查看: 411| 评论: 0

摘要: Lesson SixteenThe Sparrow1.I came back from hunting and walked on the tree-lined road.2.The hunting dog runs in front of me.3.Suddenly, he slowed down and walked forward quietly, as if he smelled some ...

Lesson Sixteen

The Sparrow

1.I came back from hunting and walked on the tree-lined road.

2.The hunting dog runs in front of me.

3.Suddenly, he slowed down and walked forward quietly, as if he smelled something wild in front of him.

4.The wind shook the birch trees along the road violently.

5.Looking down the tree-lined road, I saw a little sparrow standing on the ground, beating the little wings helplessly.

6.It has a bright yellow mouth and fluffy hair on its head.It was clearly that the little bird was just born and fell from its nest.

7.The hunting dog approached the sparrow slowly, sniffed it, opened his big mouth and showed his sharp teeth.

8.Suddenly, an old sparrow flew down from a tree and landed in front of the hunting dog like a stone.

9.It pricked up its feathers and screamed in despair.


10.The old sparrow covered the little sparrow with its own body, trying to save its young child.

11.But because of nervousness, it trembled and made a hoarse voice.

12.It stood still, ready for a fight.

13.In its view, what a huge monster the hunting dog is!

14.But it can’t stand safely on a high branch without danger, and a powerful force makes it fly down.

15.The dog was stunned.He probably never thought that the old sparrow was so brave, so he drew back, slowly and slowly.

16.I quickly called back my hunting dog and took it away.



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