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2021-8-30 15:54| 发布者: admin| 查看: 363| 评论: 0

摘要: Lesson FifteenWhite Goose1.This white goose was given to me by a friend who is about to travel far away.2.I went home with this white “big bird” and put it in the yard.3.It stretched its head and ne ...

Lesson Fifteen

White Goose

1.This white goose was given to me by a friend who is about to travel far away.

2.I went home with this white “big bird” and put it in the yard.

3.It stretched its head and neck and looked around.I looked at this gesture and thought, “What a proud animal!”

4.The arrogance of the goose was more reflected in its call, gait and eating manners.

5.When the goose is calling, its tone is solemn, as if it is speaking harshly to someone.

6.Its former owner told me that raising geese is like raising dogs, and it can also guard the entrance.

7.I saw it on day.When a stranger comes in, the goose will scream; even if someone is walking outside the fence, it will yell as loudly as a dog.

8.The gait of the goose is even more arrogant.

9.In general, it is similar to the duck, but the duck’s pace is rapid and has the appearance of embarrassment; the goose’s pace is calm with a swagger, which is quite similar to the painted face roles in Beijing opera.

10.It often stands haughtily and does not give in to people coming; sometimes, it not only lets people go, but also stretches its neck to bite the passerby.

11.Goose eating often makes us laugh.

12.Our goose eats cold meals, three meals a day.

13.It needs three things to eat, that is, water, mud and grass.

14.Taking a bite of cold meal first, then it drinks a mouthful of water, and then eats mud and grass elsewhere.

15.Maybe these mud and grass are also delicious.

16.These foods are not extravagant, but the way they are eaten is meticulous.

17.For example, after eating a mouthful of rice, it must stride forward leisurely to drink a mouthful of water if the basin is placed in the distance, and then stride to eat mud and grass.After that, it comes back for dinner.

18.To eat at such a leisurely pace, one must wait on it, just like a waiter in a restaurant.

19.Because all the dogs in the neighborhood know our goose master’s temper, when it eats, the dog hides and watches by the fence.

20.When it ate a mouthful of food and stepped to drink water and take mud and grass, the dog ran quickly and tried to steal its food.

21.Goose master accidentally returned early, stretched out its neck to bite and snapped at the dog.The dog immediately fled to the fence and squatted and waited; seeing that it ate another mouthful of rice, and then walked away to drink water, eat mud and grass, the dog ran up again quickly, finished its meal and left.

22.By the time the goose came to eat again, the rice pot was empty.

23.The goose raised its head and yelled, as if to blame the people for the lack of support.

24.At this time, we would add rice for it and stand waiting for it.

25.Because there are many dogs nearby.One dog goes away, and the other dog squats and watches again.

26.We were so annoyed that we put the rice pot and the basin together so as not to let the chickens and dogs steal food.

27.However, the location of the mud and grass it needs is uncertain.

28.In order to find the food, it still has to go far away.

29.So when the goose is at meal, it has to be served by a person.It’s really arrogant!

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