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14. 母 鸡

2021-8-30 15:54| 发布者: admin| 查看: 415| 评论: 0

摘要: Lesson FourteenHens1.I always hate hens.2.Listen, it rattles from the front yard to the back yard, and then from the back yard to the front yard.It is endless.There is no reason to hate it!3.Sometimes ...

Lesson Fourteen


1.I always hate hens.

2.Listen, it rattles from the front yard to the back yard, and then from the back yard to the front yard.It is endless.There is no reason to hate it!

3.Sometimes, it doesn’t yell like this, but it’s very quiet as if there is something on its mind.It trembles along the foot of the wall, or along the fields beside the bank.Then, it makes a long voice as if complaining about.It is a deeply emotional moment.

4.It never resists roosters, but sometimes bullies the most loyal ducks.

5.What’s worse is that when meeting another hen, it will take advantage of its unprepared, and mercilessly and cruelly bite off a pinch of hair.

6.When it comes to laying eggs, it is almost crazy.It wants to let the whole world know its achievements; even the deaf will be too noisy by it.

7.But now I changed my mind, because I saw a hen that hatched a group of chicks.

8.Whether in the courtyard or outside the courtyard, it always stands on its neck, showing that there is nothing terrible in the world.

9.When a bird flies by, or something rings, it immediately warns: listen with its head tilted; stand up and prepare for battle; look around, coos the chicks to gather around it at once.

10.When it finds something to eat, it coos, pecks at it, and immediately put it down for its children to eat.

11.Finally, every chick has had enough food with a round belly, just like one or two dumplings in it, but the hen has lost a lot of weight.

12.If there are other big chickens to grab food, it must attack and drive them out of the distance, even the big cock is afraid of it.

13.It never tires of teaching chickens to peck, dig and bathe with soil in a day.

14.It even squats to let its children squeeze under its wings and chest, and get a little warmth.

15.If it falls on the ground, some chickens climb on its back, peck at its head or somewhere else, and it doesn’t hum.

16.If there is any movement at night, it will cry, sharp and miserable.No matter how sleepy people are, they have to get up and see if there is a weasel.

17.It is responsible, loving, brave and hard-working because it has a flock of chickens.

18.It is great because it is a mother of these chickens.

19.A mother must be a hero.

20.I dare not hate hens any more.



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