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2021-8-30 15:55| 发布者: admin| 查看: 375| 评论: 0

摘要: Lesson EightThe Millennium Dream Comes True Today1.Flying away from the earth and traveling in space is the dream of the Chinese nation for a long time.2.In ancient times, there was the myth of Chang ...

Lesson Eight

The Millennium Dream Comes True Today

1.Flying away from the earth and traveling in space is the dream of the Chinese nation for a long time.

2.In ancient times, there was the myth of Chang’e Flying to the Moon, the legends of people flying in the sky and driving cars in the heaven, and the wonderful imagination of “Kunpeng spreading its wings” and “chasing the moon in the heaven”.

3.Chinese people with passion and extraordinary imagination have been trying to realize their good wishes for thousands of years.

4.It is said that Wanhu, an official in the Ming Dynasty, was the first people in the history of the world to launch an experimental rocket into the sky.

5.He tied forty-seven homemade rockets to the back of the chair, and sat on the chair himself, holding two big kites in his hand, and asked people to ignite the rockets.

6.With a loud noise, he disappeared into flames and smoke.

7.Despite his failure in this attempt, Wanhu is still recognized as a pioneer of human flight exploration by international space historians.

8.In memory of him, the International Astronomical Union named a crater on the moon “Wanhu”.

9.Wanhu’s spirit of exploration, which is brave in practice, greatly shocked and inspired people.

10.For hundreds of years, the determined and persistent descendants of the Chinese people have suffered numerous failures and paid a heavy price in the process of realizing the flying dream, but they have never given up their efforts to fly away from the earth.

11.In 1949, the People’s Republic of China was founded, the history of the Chinese nation turned a new page, and China’s space industry also showed great vitality.

12.In 1958, the second year after the first satellite of the Soviet Union went to sky, Chairman Mao Zedong solemnly said, “We should also have to build artificial satellites.”

13.After more than ten years of hard work, on April 24, 1970, in the lonely and vast space, the voice of Chinese people sounded for the first time.The music “The East Is Red”, which crossed the sky, excited Chinese at home and abroad, and China became the fifth country in the world to launch satellites.

14.While preparing to launch artificial satellites, Chinese scientists began to explore manned space technology with great hope.

15.On September 21, 1992, the CPC Central Committee decided to carry out the manned space flight project.

16.More than 110 units directly undertook the research, construction and launching tasks.After more than ten years of unremitting efforts by the vast number of scientific and technical personnel, workers and PLA officers and soldiers, at 9:00 am on October 15, 2003, the Shenzhou V spacecraft developed by China was sent into space at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, with a deafening noise.The rocket across a gorgeous curve, looked like a winding dragon, instantly disappeared in the sky.

17.At 6:23 on October 16, the spacecraft successfully returned to the land field after circling the earth for fourteen times.

18.Astronaut Yang Liwei summed up his space travel in three sentences when he was about to board the plane and return to Beijing, “The spacecraft is running normally.

19.I feel good about myself, and I am proud of my motherland.”

20.The success of China’s first manned space flight solemnly declares to the whole world that China has become the third country to master manned space technology independently.

21.In the second year of the successful launch of Shenzhou V, China officially implemented the lunar exploration project.

22.On October 24, 2007, China successfully launched the first lunar exploration satellite Chang’e-1, becoming the fourth country in the world to master lunar exploration technology.

23.This is another milestone in China’s space industry.

24.On January 3, 2019, the Chang’e-4 probe achieved the first soft landing on the back of the moon, and sent back the first clear topography of the lunar surface taken at close range.

25.Subsequently, the Chang’e-4 lander and its lunar vehicle Yutu-2 successfully photographed each other.The lander and lunar vehicle with five-star red flag left a historic and precious image on the back of the moon.


GMT+8, 2024-9-18 08:55

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