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7. 纳米技术就在我们身边

2021-8-30 15:55| 发布者: admin| 查看: 359| 评论: 0

摘要: Lesson SevenNanotechnology Is Around Us1.Nanotechnology is a new and high technology that emerged in 1990s.2.If the 20th century is the century of micron, the 21st century is surely the century of nan ...

Lesson Seven

Nanotechnology Is Around Us

1.Nanotechnology is a new and high technology that emerged in 1990s.

2.If the 20th century is the century of micron, the 21st century is surely the century of nanometer.

3.What is nanotechnology?

4.This should start with nanometer.

5.Nanometer is a very, very small unit of length.One nanometer is equal to one billionth of a meter.

6.If you put a ball with a diameter of 1 nanometer on the table tennis, it is equivalent to putting the table tennis on the earth, which shows how small the nanometer is.

7.The research object of nanotechnology is generally in the range of 1 nm~100 nm, which is not only invisible to naked eyes, but also to ordinary optical microscopes.

8.This nanoscale substance has many novel characteristics, and nanotechnology is a science to study and utilize these characteristics for the benefit of mankind.

9.Nanotechnology is around us.

10.The nano-coating used in the refrigerator has sterilization and deodorization functions, making vegetables last longer.

11.There is a magical material called “carbon nanotubes”, which is hundred times stronger than steel and very light.In the future, it is possible for us to travel in space on the “carbon nanotube ladder”.

12.On the most advanced stealth fighter, a nanometer absorbing material is used, which can absorb the detection radar wave, so it cannot be detected by the radar at all.

13.Nanotechnology can make people healthier.

14.Cancer is terrible, but if cancer cells can be detected early, the mortality rate will be greatly reduced.

15.Using extremely sensitive nano-detection technology, early detection and prevention of diseases can be realized.

16.In the future, the nanobots can even reach the lesions through blood vessels and kill cancer cells.

17.When you are sick, you need to take medicine.

18.At present, taking medicine once works for only one or two days.In the future, the nano slow release technique can release the efficacy of the drug slowly, so that the validity of the medicine can be extended to a week or even a month.

19.Nanotechnology will bring profound changes to human life.

20.In the near future, nanotechnology will appear in our daily necessities of life.


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