
陈雷英语 语文教学 英语录音 四年级下 查看内容


2021-8-30 15:56| 发布者: admin| 查看: 404| 评论: 0

摘要: Lesson TwoThe Countryside1.People in the countryside always like to build melon trellis in front of the house.Pumpkins or loofah are often planted, with the melon vines climbing on the trellis and the ...

Lesson Two

The Countryside 

1.People in the countryside always like to build melon trellis in front of the house.Pumpkins or loofah are often planted, with the melon vines climbing on the trellis and the eaves.

2.When the flowers fall, cyan and red melons grow on the vines, which hang in front of the house one by one, setting off the long vines and green leaves.

3.Cyan and red melons, green vines and leaves constitute a funny picture, which is much cuter than a pair of stone lions crouching in front of the tall building or two big flagpoles erected.

4.Some people also plant flowers, such as peony, wind fairy, cockscomb and dahlia, on the field in front of the door.They blooms in order according to the season, and are somewhat gorgeous in simplicity, showing a unique farmhouse scenery.

5.In some families, dozens of bamboos are planted behind the house.The green leaves and cyan poles cast a green shade.

6.After several spring rains, when you walk there, you will often see many fresh bamboo shoots sticking out of the soil in groups.

7.Chickens, as usual, are always kept in the countryside.

8.After walking in front of and behind their house, you will definitely see a hen, leading a group of small chickens and foraging in the bamboo forest; or you can see a rooster with a shrug of its tail, walking up and down on the ground in big strides.

9.If there is a small river behind their house, next to the stone bridge,

10.and under the shade of green trees, you will see a flock of ducks playing in the water, sticking their heads in the water from time to time for food.

11.Even if there are women washing clothes in the nearby stone, the ducks are never surprised.

12.If you go out for a walk in summer evening, you will often see the country people having dinner.

13.They move the tables and chairs to the front door, chatting happily while having dinner.

14.The rosy clouds in the sky, the breeze in the evening, and the homing birds flying over their heads are all their friends.Together with the country people, they paint a natural and harmonious pastoral landscape.

15.Autumn is coming, and the katydid stays on the melon shelf in front of their house.

16.In the quiet night when the moon is bright, they sing, “chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp!

17.Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp!”

18.The singing is really nice, better than a lullaby.With the song, people who have worked hard all day fall asleep sweetly.

19.In the countryside, the unique and charming scenery can be seen at any time and in any season.



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