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16 太阳

2021-8-30 17:45| 发布者: admin| 查看: 367| 评论: 0

摘要: Lesson SixteenThe Sun1. There is a legend that in ancient times, there were ten suns in the sky, which made no grass grow on the ground. 2. People can’t stand the heat, so they find a good archer and ...

Lesson Sixteen

The Sun


1. There is a legend that in ancient times, there were ten suns in the sky, which made no grass grow on the ground.

2. People can’t stand the heat, so they find a good archer and shoot nine of them, leaving only one, so that it is not so hot.

3. In fact, the sun is 150 million km away from us.

4. It will take about 3.5 thousand years for you walk to the sun; even by plane, you have to fly for twenty years.

5. How can an arrow be shot so far away?

6. When we see the sun, we think it is not big. In fact, it is so big that the volume of 1.3 million earths can be equal to that of one sun.

7. Because the sun is too far away from the earth, it looks as big as a plate.

8. The sun will shine and heat, and it is a big fireball.

9. The temperature of the sun is very high. The surface temperature is 5,500. Even if steel touches the sun, it will turn into gas.

10. Although the sun is far away from us, it is closely related to us.

11. With the sun, crops and trees on earth can germinate, grow leaves, blossom and bear fruit; birds, beasts, insects and fish can survive and reproduce.

12. Without the sun, there would be no plants or animals on the earth.

13. The food, vegetables, fruits and meat we eat and the cotton, hemp, wool and silk we wear are closely related to the sun.

14. Coal buried in the ground seems to have nothing to do with the sun. In fact, it cannot be formed without the sun, because coal was formed by plants buried under the ground in ancient times.

15. When the water on the ground is exposed to the sun, it absorbs heat and turns into steam.

16. When the air rises, the temperature drops, and the water vapor condenses into numerous small water droplets, floating in the air and becoming clouds.

17. The more droplets of water in the clouds gather, they become rain or snow.

18. Under the sun, some areas absorb more heat, and the air there is hotter; some areas absorb less heat, and the air there is colder.

19. Only when air is hot and cold at different areas can it flow and become wind.

20. Sunlight has the ability to kill bacteria. We can use it to prevent and treat diseases.

21. The light and warmth on the earth are brought by the sun.

22. If there was no sun, there would be darkness everywhere, cold everywhere, no wind, no snow, no rain, no dew, no grass, no wood, no birds, no animals, and there would be no human beings.

23. In a word, without the sun, there would be no our beautiful and lovely world.

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