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15 小岛

2021-8-30 17:45| 发布者: admin| 查看: 388| 评论: 0

摘要: Lesson FifteenThe Island1. In the boundless sea, there is an island, which looks like a cloud floating in the sky. 2. There are few trees, grass and soil here, but there are a group of navy soldiers s ...

Lesson Fifteen

The Island


1. In the boundless sea, there is an island, which looks like a cloud floating in the sky.

2. There are few trees, grass and soil here, but there are a group of navy soldiers stationed here.

3. When the General went to the island, it was cool here, but it was more than 20℃.

4. There’s no help for it. It’s so close to the equator.

5. It took less than ten minutes to walk around the island, so the General found out the problem by the fifth minute.

6. “What’s on the other side of the island, so mysterious?

7. Is it a bunker?”

8. The General walked over and saw that it was surrounded by rocks and covered with tarpaulin.

9. Lift up a corner of the tarpaulin, a green vegetable field was seen.

10. The General was stunned.

11. He knew that vegetables were hard to grow in this place.

12. Because they mainly ate canned food, some soldiers had their gums festered and their mouths blistered after they landed on the island for a period.

13. Most of the vegetables transported from the mainland would rot before they were put on the island.

14. Looking at the green vegetable field in front of him, the General really suspected that he was dreaming: How did this come out?”

15. The team leader said that he was from the north. He got inspiration from planting vegetables in the greenhouse, so he set up this tarpaulin shed. The northern greenhouse was for frost protection, but this shed was for sun protection and salt prevention.

16. Most of the soil in the vegetable field was carried by the soldiers from their hometown.

17. “All from home?”

18. The General wondered, “Is it OK if there is soil on the nearby island?”

19. “Yes, but the soldiers are willing to bring soils and even seeds from their hometown. You see, many Northern dishes are alive here.”

20. The General bent down to take a closer look: wow, there were many kinds of vegetables in this small vegetable field.

21. “After dinner, we can lift all the tarpaulins and show you the whole picture of the vegetable field.”

22. The leader smiled with pride and mystery.

23. The General’s eyes caught the smile and thought: kid, what else was hiding from me!

24. He said, “OK, I’ll watch it after dinner.”

25. The Secretary of the colleague was worried, “General, didn’t you order to go back to the ship for dinner?”

26. Of course the General did not forget it.

27. It was a rule made by him: in this sea area, in order to lighten the burden on the island, all soldiers had to return to the warship for dinner.

28. But now, he said to his entourage, “You return by speedboat.

29. I have not only dinner on the island, but also breakfast tomorrow.”

30. Everyone was surprised.

31. The Secretary immediately asked the leader, “What do you eat on the island at night?”

32. The General gave him a blank look, “What to eat?

33. I will eat whatever the soldiers eat.”

34. He asked the leader beside him, “May I?”

35. The leader was ambivalent and said, “You are welcomed, but yours...”

36. The General asked the surrounding soldiers, “Do you welcome me?”

37. “Yes!”

38. The General nodded.

39. It is not because of the smile of the leader that he wanted to stay.

40. He thought that if the method of planting vegetables here could be popularized, it would have a great effect on the garrison.

41. This kind of problem seemed small, but it was directly related to the combat effectiveness of the troops.

42. At dinner, the leader accompanied the General to the team headquarters. There were several plates on the desk, including cans and some fresh fish.

43. Knowing that there were fish here, the General didn’t say anything. He sat down and picked up his chopsticks.

44. Just then, the cook brought a plate. The General’s face changed as soon as he saw it. It was a dish of Pakchoi.

45. “Whose idea was it?”

46. Asked the General.

47. The leader didn’t know what to say: “Everybody thinks that...”

48. “Everybody?

49. Hum!”

50. The General put down his chopsticks and got up, “You advised me that soldiers would feel restriction if I have dinner with them, and I accepted your advice.

51. But now.

52. Do soldiers have vegetables to eat?
53. “Once a week.”

54. The leader’s voice was low.

55. “I means today.

56. Go and see what they eat!”

57. The leader was in a hurry, “Please don’t go, General.

58. You must eat this dish, or you will regret it.”

59. The General was stunned and didn’t understand what the leader said.

60. The leader thought about it and said to the General, “Wait a minute.”

61. And then he ran out. After a while, he ran back and pointed out the window, “General, you see.”

62. The General looked in the direction of the leader.

63. The oilcloth has been opened to reveal a large vegetable field, and the green one constituted a map of China.

64. The General pondered in his heart and gazed at the green.

65. “Most of the provinces in the country have soil here.

66. The soldiers on the island know that you are not in good health, and you are getting older. They all demand that you should eat vegetables.

67. You are not regarded as a leader, but as an elder.”

68. The leader whispered.

69. The General sniffed, so he turned away and saw the dish of Pakchoi.

70. He was stunned for a moment, went to take it up, and strode out.

71. In the dining hall, the soldiers were eating. When they saw the General coming in, they all stopped eating.

72. The General looked at the cans on their table, choked his throat and said, “Comrades

73. After a pause, he said, “Children, I’ll serve you dishes and each one has a bit.”

74. The soldiers stayed away as if they were afraid of being scalded.

75. The General didn’t chase him, and he knew he couldn’t.

76. He stood where he was and didn’t know what to do.

77. Finally, his eyes brightened and he saw a bucket of soup on the side of the table.

78. He went over and poured his food into the soup. Then he took the spoon and stirred it in the bucket.

79. Then he scooped up the soup.

80. The soldiers came around consciously.

81. Spoonful by spoonful of vegetable soup was scooped into the bowl of the soldiers.

82. The General saw that many people had tears in their eyes, and he sniffed again. He had intended to say something, but his mind was confused, and he could say nothing at that time.

83. In the early morning, the General left the island in a speedboat.

84. Looking back at the island, he saw a bright red sun rising above the green.

85. He made a standard military salute to the sun, to the green and to the island.

上一篇:16 太阳下一篇:14 圆明园的毁灭


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