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2021-8-30 17:48| 发布者: admin| 查看: 375| 评论: 0

摘要: Lesson Twenty-twoFingers1. Each of us has ten fingers with us anytime and anywhere, and never leaves us. 2. Each of the five fingers on the one hand has different postures, different personalities, st ...

Lesson Twenty-two



1. Each of us has ten fingers with us anytime and anywhere, and never leaves us.

2. Each of the five fingers on the one hand has different postures, different personalities, strengths and weaknesses.

3. The thumb, among the five fingers, has no really beautiful shape.

4. It has a short and fat body, big and fat head, simple structure, one joint less than others.

5. But among the five fingers, it is the most willing to bear hardships.

6. For example, in playing a Huqin, the other four fingers always press the strings, but it is asked to hold the instrument. In addition, it has to plug the water when the water spurts out, press the blood when the blood is flew out, struggle against heavy objects that are about to tip over, turn the pages when reading, and ring the bell before come in.

7. It’s not up to him to be nice.

8. For example, when greeting people, the other four fingers come forward to nod. It can only stand aside and tickle people. When people are comfortable, they thank the other four fingers.

9. It is the index finger that often cooperates with the thumb.

10. Its posture is not as graceful as the other three fingers, all of which are straight and tough lines.

11. Although its work is not as hard as the thumb, it is more complicated than that of the thumb.

12. When you take the pen, you rely on it to push the pen; when you encounter danger, you use it to test or take risks; hit has the most opportunities to contact dirty things, poisons and fierce things; it suffers lot from knife injury, scald, rolling injury and bite.

13. It has the “tact” that the thumb does not have. It must be invited to make a phone call and pull the bolt, and it will always be the backbone in using an abacus, turning the screw and unbinding the buckle, although it has the help of thumb.

14. It is the middle finger among the five fingers that has the best position and the most magnificent appearance.

15. It lives in the center, with barriers on both sides.

16. It is the tallest, with the ring finger and index finger close to it, like Guan Ping and Zhou Cang on both sides of Guan Gong.

17. It will never be collided by foreign objects, so the curve is beautiful, and everywhere shows the happiness of respecting and treating the superior.

18. Every time it does something, in name, he does not contribute.

19. Because it has the longest body, he often comes across the object first when it takes the object. It seems that he is the credit for getting it.

20. In fact, when it met the object, it steps aside and lets the thumb and index finger work. It only supports them a little.

21. The ring finger and little finger are beautiful and lovely.

22. However, they are the weakest.

23. Ring finger is mostly used for grinding powder, dipping in powder and wearing ring.

24. The little finger is less useful, just to pull out the ear and wipe the nose.

25. They are also important in some situation.

26. Its ability is not inferior to others on the string.

27. Isn’t the finger of a dancer often in a posture like an orchid?

28. These two fingers are the most beautiful two petals of this orchid.

29. Apart from such pleasures, they are the appendages of other fingers when they come to work.

30. The five fingers on my hand, I only feel that there are the above differences in posture and personality, but there is no love or hatred among them.

31. All fingers are the same as all the people. If the five fingers can unite as one fist, they will be useful and powerful. There will be no difference between strength, beauty and ugliness.



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