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2021-8-30 17:48| 发布者: admin| 查看: 361| 评论: 0

摘要: Lesson NineteenCountry of Ranch1. The Netherlands is a country of water, flowers and pastures. 2. On the green lowlands between canals, black-and-white cows, white-headed black cows and white-waisted ...

Lesson Nineteen

Country of Ranch


1. The Netherlands is a country of water, flowers and pastures.

2. On the green lowlands between canals, black-and-white cows, white-headed black cows and white-waisted black cows with blue mouth are grazing with their heads down.

3. Some cows are covered with damp-proof felt on their backs.

4. Cattle are very attentive when eating grass, and sometimes they stand still, as if they are thinking about something.

5. The calf looks like a lady with dignified manners.

6. Old cattle are like the parents of cattle, and they are extremely dignified.

7. As far as the eye can see, it is surrounded by green velvet grassland and black and white flower cattle.

8. This is the real Netherlands.

9. This is the real Netherlands.

10. The verdant lowlands are set between canals, and there are groups of fine horses, each one of which is fat and strong.

11. Nothing can stop them from running far away except the canals hidden by deep weeds.

12. The vast and boundless field seems to belong to them. They are the masters and dukes of this free kingdom.

13. On the green grassland, the white sheep are at ease.

14. The black pigs keep snoring, as if to praise something.

15. Thousands of chickens, flocks of long-haired goats, enjoy their own kingdom in peace and contentment on the green grass where no one can be seen.

16. This is the real Netherlands.

17. In the evening, you can see someone coming in a small boat, sitting on a small bench, milking the serious silent cows.

18. The golden sunset spread in the western sky, and the whistle sounds occasionally in the distance, followed by silence.

19. Here, no one shouts, the bell on the cow’s neck doesn’t sound, and the milkman is silent.

20. In the canal, ships full of milk buckets are driving slowly and smoothly.

21. Cars and trains loaded with cans of milk keep going to cities.

22. After the carriage and the boat, everything was calm again.

23. The last sunset also gradually disappeared, and the whole world was dark.

24. The dog stopped barking, the cows in the lair stopped mooing, and the horses forgot to kick the apron of the stable.

25. There are sleeping animals, silent lowlands, dark nights. Only a few lighthouses in the distance are flickering with faint light.

26. This is the real Netherlands.



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