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2021-8-30 17:48| 发布者: admin| 查看: 371| 评论: 0

摘要: Lesson SeventeenDiving.1. A sailboat sailing around the world is sailing back.2. It was a calm day, and the sailors were on the deck. 3. A monkey is drilling around in the crowd, imitating human actio ...

Lesson Seventeen



1. A sailboat sailing around the world is sailing back.

2. It was a calm day, and the sailors were on the deck.

3. A monkey is drilling around in the crowd, imitating human actions, which makes everyone laugh.

4. It obviously knows that people take it for fun, so it becomes more presumptuous.

5. The captain’s son is only eleven or twelve years old, and he is also very happy.

6. The monkey suddenly jumps in front of him, takes off his hat, puts it on its own head, and quickly climbs up the mast.

7. The sailors laugh again, only the child couldn’t cry or laugh. He watches the monkey sitting on the first cross beam of the mast, taking off his hat, biting with his teeth and tearing with his claws, as if to make him angry.

8. The child scares it and shouts at it.

9. The monkey not only ignores, but also tears more fiercely.

10. The sailors laugh more merrily, but the boy turns red with anger.

11. He takes off his coat and climbs up the mast to chase the monkey.

12. He climbs the rope up to the first crossbar, and is about to reach out for his hat. The monkey is more dexterous than him. It turns to grab the mast and climbs up again.

13. “You can’t escape.”

14. The child chases and yells.

15. The monkey also turns back from time to time to make the child angry.

16. It’s sitting on the top of the mast, hanging its head on the top of the mast, twisting its legs to the top of the mast and twisting its head to the top of the mast.

17. One end of the crossbar is more than one meter from the mast.

18. The boy is so angry that he lets go of the rope and mast, opens his arms, and staggers up the beam to get his hat.

19. At this time, all the sailors on the deck are petrified.

20. If the child slips, he falls straight on the deck and dies.

21. Even if he goes to the end of the crossbar and gets his hat, he couldn’t turn around.

22. A man lets out a cry of fear.

23. Hearing the cry, the child looks down and his legs begin to shake.

24. Just then the captain comes out of the cabin with a gun in his hand.

25. When he sees his son on the crossbar at the top of the mast, he aims at his son and cries, “Jump into the sea! Come on! I’ll shoot if you don’t jump!”

26. The child is so frightened that he stands staggering on the crossbar and doesn’t understand his father’s words.

27. The captain calls again, “Jump into the sea! Or I’ll shoot! One! Two!”

28. Just as he calls out “three”, the child jumps down from the crossbar.

29. With a plop, the child plunges into the sea like a shell.

30. Twenty brave sailors had already jumped into the sea: forty secondsit’s been a long time.

31. As soon as the boy comes up, the sailors catch him and rescue him on deck.



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