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2021-8-30 17:49| 发布者: admin| 查看: 351| 评论: 0

摘要: Lesson ElevenGod’s Army1. In a German clinic outside Linjiang gate in Chongqing, Doctor Walker sat behind a table.2. Without raising his head, he asked coldly, “What’s your name?” 3. “Liu Dachuan ...

Lesson Eleven

Gods Army


1. In a German clinic outside Linjiang gate in Chongqing, Doctor Walker sat behind a table.

2. Without raising his head, he asked coldly, “What’s your name?”

3. “Liu Dachuan.”

4. “Age?”

5. “Twenty four years old.”

6. “What disease?”

7. “Bandits hurt my eyes.”

8. Dr. Walker stood up and skillfully untied the bandage from the patient’s right eye.

9. He was stunned, and a little doubt flashed in his blue eyes.

10. He reexamined the man in front of him and asked coldly, “What do you do?”

11. “Post office clerk.”

12. “You are a soldier!”

13. Dr. Walker said to the point, “I’ve been a military doctor, and only a soldier can be so calm with such a serious injury!”

14. The patient smiled and said, “Dr. Walker, you say I am a soldier, then I am a soldier.”

15. Dr. Walker’s eyes softened and he told the nurse, “Prepare for surgery.”

16. Dr. Walker was changing his operating suit when the nurse came and whispered to him that the patient refused to use the anesthetic.

17. He raised his eyebrows, and went into the operating room, said angrily, “Young man, listen to the doctor here!”

18. The patient calmly replied, “Dr. Walker, the eyes are too close to the brain. I am afraid that anesthesia will affect the brain nerves.

19. And I need a very clear brain in the future!”

20. Walker was stunned again and stammered, “Can you stand it?

21. The necrotic eyeball of your right eye needs to be removed, and the rotten flesh and new polyps should be cut off with a knife!”

22. “Try it.”

23. On the operating table, Dr. Walker, who had always been calm, found his shaking this time. The sweat on his forehead was rolling. The nurse helped him wipe it again and again.

24. Finally, he couldn’t help but say to the patient, “You can hum if you can’t stand it.”

25. The patient did not say a word. His hands tightly grasp the white sheet under the body, the veins stood out on the back of his hand, and he was wet with sweat.

26. As he grasped the sheet so hard, the brand-new white sheet was torn.

27. Dr. Walker, who had taken off his overalls, came over and said sincerely, “Young man, I was so afraid you’ll faint.”

28. The patient looked pale.

29. With a forced smile, he said, “I’ve been counting your knives.”

30. Startled, Dr. Walker asked incredulously, “How many knives did I cut?”

31. “Seventy two.”

32. Dr. Walker was stunned and exclaimed, “You are a real man, a big hero! You are a god of war!”

33. “I am flattered.”

34. There was a kind look on Dr. Walker’s face.

35. He held back what he wanted to say, waved the nurse out, closed the door of the operating room, looked at the patient, and said, “Tell me, what your real name is?”

36. “Liu Bocheng.”

37. “I’m extremely honored to meet you, General Liu.”

38. Liu Bocheng extended his hand in a friendly way.



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