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2021-8-30 17:49| 发布者: admin| 查看: 405| 评论: 0

摘要: Lesson TenGraves in Green MountainsOne1. Zhongnanhai, Chairman Mao’s bedroom. 2. On the desk, there is the telegram sent from the Volunteer Command at the Korean Front and drafted by Commander Peng D ...

Lesson Ten

Graves in Green Mountains



1. Zhongnanhai, Chairman Mao’s bedroom.

2. On the desk, there is the telegram sent from the Volunteer Command at the Korean Front and drafted by Commander Peng Dehuai.

3. We entered the air-raid shelter at 7:00 today, and Mao Anying was in the house with three staff officers.

4. At 11:00, four of them came out when four enemy planes passed by.

5. After the enemy planes passed, four of them returned to the house, and suddenly four enemy planes came, dropping nearly 100 incendiary bombs and hitting the house. At that time, two staff officers ran out, and Mao Anying and Gao Ruixin were burned to death before they ran out.

6. No other losses.

7. From seeing this telegram, Chairman Mao didn’t say a word all day, just smoking one cigarette after another.

8. The food on the table has been heated several times.

9. Anying is Chairman Mao’s favorite eldest son, and Chairman Mao devoted infinite fatherly love to him.

10. In those days, the comrades of the underground party risked their lives to find Anying and sent him to Chairman Mao.

11. Later, Anying went to study in the Soviet Union, and after returning home, Mao Zedong personally sent his son to the countryside to exercise.

12. After separation, didn’t Anying return to his side in peace?

13. How did this happen...

14. “Anying!

15. Anying!”

16. Chairman Mao pressed his locked brow with his forefinger and couldn’t help mumbling.



17. The secretary came in.

18. “Chairman, the Volunteer Command called to ask the Central Military Commission whether to transport the remains of Anying back to China.”

19. The Secretary approached Chairman Mao and said in a low voice, “The North Korea expresses sympathy to the chairman, saying that Comrade Anying died for the liberation cause of the Korean people and is also the son of the Korean people, and requests that Anying be buried in Korea.”

20. Chairman Mao can’t help but stand up, look up at the ceiling, endure the grief in his heart, and his eyes show infinite attachment.   

21. When Anying went to Korea, he couldn’t see Anying because he was busy with his work, but it was a farewell!

22. “If I can see my son when he was alive, let me see the remains!”

23. Chairman Mao thought.

24. However, he soon gave up the idea.

25. He said thoughtfully, “Every solider is born by his parents. Anying can’t be special just because I am the president of the state.

26. Are not tens of thousands of volunteers buried in North Korea?

27. Anying is my son and the son of the Korean people, so let him be there as the will of the Korean people.”

28. The moment the secretary handed the telegram record to Chairman Mao for signature, Chairman Mao subconsciously hesitated for a moment, and his expression clearly said, can’t Anying really come back?

29. Can’t father and son meet again?

30. The chairman turned his gloomy eyes out of the window, pointed to the desk with his right hand, and motioned to the Secretary to put the transcript on it.

31. The next morning, the secretary came to Chairman Mao’s bedroom.

32. Chairman Mao has gone out, and the signed copy of the telegram record is put on the pillow, under which is the pillow towel wet with tears.

33. The remains of martyr can be buried at any mountain, and there is no need to return with a dead body. 



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