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The wind in the hometown

2023-4-28 09:16| 发布者: admin| 查看: 110| 评论: 0

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 Author/Wang Youjin

The wind of hometown is a memory that cannot be forgotten, a childhood fondness, and a beautiful look back.


The wind in my hometown is divided into spring and autumn, summer and winter, the seasons are different, the wind direction is different, the size of the wind is also different, and the temperature of the wind is also very different.

Wind, the experts are so explained, said the sunlight on the surface of the earth, so that the surface temperature increases, the earth's air heat expansion lighter and upward.


After the hot air rises, the cold air of low temperature lateral inflow, rising air due to gradual cooling becomes heavy and landing, due to the higher surface temperature and will heat the air to rise, this flow of air becomes the wind.

In spring, the wind comes from the south, the more it blows the warmer, the more comfortable, the wind is always so soft, so light, so warm on earth, so careful, do not dare to have a big movement, blowing green earth, blowing flowers, blowing the grass drill new shoots.

Of course, there are times when the north wind, that is from the former Soviet Union Siberia, the wind is blowing all the yellow sky, but that is a minority, is the individual time, is less vegetation.


Summer wind less, hoping for wind wind does not come, the sun shines high, the weather is hot, people work in the field, sweating, cattle and donkeys also wet fur, those who look at the children and grandchildren of the little foot old lady, holding a goose feather fan, inciting the wind to get cool.

In summer, there are also times when the wind is blowing, when the wind is blowing, that is, the northwest came to the black clouds, black clouds, and then the yellow sky, the wind in the head of the clouds and rain, scraping the trees shaking branches, crops straight shake, robins flying, birds do not move, bring the storm, ditch full of bay flat.

The autumn wind makes people comfortable and calls for enjoyment. A breeze of autumn is cool, and the more the autumn wind blows, the cooler it gets.


Autumn wind, blowing yellow earth, blowing down the leaves, blowing defeated grass and flowers, blowing geese flying south, blowing grasshoppers difficult to get up, blowing fish and shrimp drill water deep, blowing a series of autumn rain, blowing white snow and frost.

The winter wind, even more unpredictable, whooshing northwest wind, scraping the whirring, scraping the sky dry, water bay ice, even cattle and sheep have grown a fine fleece to prevent frostbite.

The winter wind, also sometimes called the cold, scraping six-pronged snowflakes, drifting, flying around the sky, and sometimes heavy snow, snow-capped, heaven and earth up and down a white, cover the house, covered the countryside.



The wind in my hometown always keeps blowing, sometimes big, sometimes small, sometimes slow, sometimes sharp, sometimes hot, sometimes cold.

The trees are blown high, the children are blown big, the crops are blown one after another, the earth is blown green, the fields are blown yellow, the hearts are always warm, the life is blown old love childhood.




GMT+8, 2024-9-18 08:56

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