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2024-1-19 14:49| 发布者: admin| 查看: 20| 评论: 0

摘要: .

The Five Heroes of Wolf Tooth Mountain


1. In the autumn of 1941, the Japanese invaders concentrated their forces and invaded our base area in Jinchaji.

2. At that time, the Seventh Company was ordered to insist on guerrilla warfare in the area of Wolf Tooth Mountain.

3. After a month of heroic fighting, the Seventh Company decided to move to Longwangmiao and gave the Sixth Squad the task of covering the masses and moving the company.

4. In order to stall the enemy, five soldiers of the Sixth Squad of the Seventh Company beat up the pursuing enemy while systematically luring a large number of enemies up Wolfram and Hart Mountain.

5. They took advantage of the dangerous terrain and beat the enemies who rushed up again and again.

6. Squad leader Ma Baoyu calmly commanded the battle and let the enemy come closer before giving orders to fight hard.

7. Deputy squad leader Ge Zhenlin hit a shot and yelled, as if the tiny muzzle of the gun could not finish his full of anger.

8. war soil Song Xueyi throw grenades always have to swing the arm - a circle, so as to use all the strength.

9. Hu Delin and Hu Fucai, two small warriors, tensed their faces and concentrated on shooting at the enemy.

10. The enemy was never able to take a step forward.

11. On the rugged mountain road, many enemy corpses were lying horizontally and vertically.

12. five soldiers finished the cover mission victoriously and prepared to move.

13. There were two roads in front of them: one led to the direction of the main force to move, taking this road could quickly catch up with the company, but the enemy was close behind;

The other is to the top of Wolfram and Hart Mountain, where there are cliffs and walls on three sides.

15. which way to go?

16. In order not to let the enemy find the masses and the main force of the company, the squad leader Ma Baoyu said decisively, "Go!"

17. led the way to the chessboard.

18. The soldiers, their blood boiling, followed closely behind the squad leader.

19. They knew that the squad leader was going to lead the enemy to a dead end.

20. The five brave men climbed to the top while relying on trees and rocks to shoot at the enemy.

21. Many more bodies of the enemy were left on the mountain road.

22. When they reached the summit of Wolfram and Hart, the five brave men continued to shoot at the enemies who were following behind them.

23. Many of the enemies fell into the mountain stream and were pulverized.

24. Ma Baoyu, the squad leader, was wounded and out of bullets, only Hu Fucai had a grenade left in his hand.

25. He was just about to unscrew the cap when Ma Baoyu stepped forward, grabbed the grenade and stuck it in his waist, lifted a large stone and shouted: "Comrades! Use the stone to smash!"

26. At once, like hailstones, the stones, carrying the determination of the five brave men and the hatred of the Chinese people, smashed down on the heads of the enemy. 27. A cry of gibberish came from the hillside, and the enemy rolled down the deep valley.

27. Another group of enemies pounced on them.

28. Ma Baoyu pulled out a grenade with a whoosh, unscrewed the cap, and threw it at the enemy with all his strength.

29. With a loud bang, the grenade blossomed in the enemy group.

30. The five brave men stood at the top of Wolfram and Teeth Mountain, looking out in the direction of the masses and the main force of the army.

31. They looked back at the enemy who were still climbing upward, and their faces showed the joy of victory.

32. Ma Baoyu, the squad leader, said excitedly, "Comrades, our mission has been accomplished!"

33. said, he took the gun from the hands of the enemy smashed, and then walked to the edge of the cliff, as every charge, the first long jump down the deep valley.

34. The soldiers also jumped down from the cliff one after another with their heads held high.

35. Their heroic slogans rang out on Wolf Tooth Mountain:

36. "Down with Japanese imperialism!"

37. "Long live the Chinese Communist Party!"

38. This is the strong and unyielding voice of the heroic Chinese people!

39. The sound of this voice was so powerful that it moved the earth and the mountains and rivers!



GMT+8, 2024-9-18 08:59

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