
陈雷英语 语文教学 英语录音 六年级上 查看内容


2024-1-19 15:03| 发布者: admin| 查看: 27| 评论: 0

摘要: .

The Bridge

1. At dawn, the rain suddenly became heavy. Like splashing. Like pouring.

2. The torrents roared like a herd of frightened wild horses, rushing wildly from the valley, unstoppable.

3. The village woke up with a start.

4. People turned out of bed, but stepped into the water.

5. Who shouted in panic, more than a hundred people crowded to the south.

6. Nearly a - meter high flood was already dancing on the road. People folded back again like crazy.

7. There was no road to the east and west. There was only a narrow wooden bridge to the north.

8. Death approached with the carnival sound of the flood.

9 . People stumbled toward the wooden bridge.

10. In front of the wooden bridge, in the legless water, stood their party secretary, the old man whom the whole village loved.

11. The old man's thin face was dripping with rain. He did not speak, staring at the people in chaos. He was like a mountain.

12. People stopped and looked at the old man.

13. The old man shouted hoarsely: "The bridge is narrow! Form a line, do not crowd! Party members in the back of the line!"

14. Someone shouted: "Party members are also people."

15. The old man said coldly: "You can quit the party, sign up with me.'"

16. No one shouted again. More than a hundred people soon formed a line and ran in turn past the old man onto the wooden bridge.

17. The water gradually jumped up, licking people's waists with abandon.

18. The old man suddenly rushed forward and pulled out a young man from the line, yelling: "Are you still a party member? Go to the back of the line!" The old man was as fierce as a leopard.

19. The young man glared at the old man and stood at the back.

20. The wooden bridge began to tremble, began to groan in pain.

21. water, climbing up the old man's chest. Finally, only he and the young man were left.

22. The young man pushed the old man a - hand, said: "You go first."

23. The old man yelled: "Cut the crap and go." He pushed the young man onto the wooden bridge.

24. Suddenly, the wooden bridge collapsed with a bang. The young man was swallowed by the flood.

25. The old man seemed to shout something, and suddenly, a wave also swallowed him.

26. A world of white.

27. Five days later, the flood receded.

28. An old woman, supported by someone, came to pay her respects.

29. She came to pay her respects to two people. Her husband and her son.



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