
陈雷英语 语文教学 英语录音 六年级上 查看内容


2024-1-19 15:04| 发布者: admin| 查看: 19| 评论: 0

摘要: .

The Poor

1. The fisherman's wife Sana sat by the fire to mend a broken sail, the cold wind howling outside the house, the surging waves lapping at the shore, splashing a wave, the sea is stormy, dark and cold outside, but in this fishing hut is warm and comfortable, the floor is swept clean, the fire in the stove has not gone out, eating utensils on the shelves shining.

2. in the white tent hanging bed, five children are quietly sleeping in the sound of the sea wind whistling, her husband sailed the boat early in the morning, at this time has not returned, Sanna listened to the roar of the waves and the roar of the wind, feel the heart jumping.

3. The old clock struck ten and eleven ...... times hoarsely, and her husband never returned. But, thank God, the children were healthy.

There was nothing to complain about, and Sana listened to the sound of the storm, "Where is he now? God, bless him, save him, be merciful," she said to herself, while drawing the cross. 5.

5. early to go to bed, Sanna stood up, wrapped a very thick scarf around his head, lit the horse lamp, and went out of the door, she wanted to see if the light on the lighthouse was on, and whether her husband's boat could be seen.

6. But nothing could be seen on the sea, the wind lifted her scarf and rolled something that was broken and knocked on the door of the neighbor's cottage, and Sanna remembered the sick woman neighbor whom she wanted to visit in the evening.

The widow's life is very difficult," thought Sana, standing at the door, "although there are not many children - only two - but she has to take care of them all by herself. I'll go in and have a look.

8. Sana knocked again and again at the door, but no one answered.

9. "Hey, Simon," Sana shouted, thinking that something must have happened, she pushed the door open.

The first thing that caught her eye was a bed placed opposite the door. On her back lay her female neighbor, who was motionless.

11. good, it was Simon, her head thrown back, her cold, blue face showed the serenity of death, a pale, stiff hand, as if to grasp something, hanging down from the straw bunk, right next to this dead mother, sleeping two very small children, both with curly hair, fat face, covered with old clothes, curled up, two small heads of light yellow hair close together

12. apparently, the mother was dying, take their own clothes to cover them, but also with the old headscarf wrapped around their little feet, the children's breathing even and calm, they are sleeping soundly.

13. Sanna wrapped the sleeping children in the turban and carried them home, her heart beating hard, she herself did not know why she had to do so, but she felt compelled to do so.

14. Back home, she put the two sleeping children on the bed, let them sleep with her own children, and hurried to pull the tent.

15. Sanna was pale and agitated, and she thought uneasily: "What will he say? Is this a joke? His own five children are enough to suffer, ...... is he coming? ...... no, not yet ...... why carry them over ah? ...... he will beat me up, that also deserves, I made myself suffer ...... en, beat me up or not".

16. the door creaked, as if someone had entered, Sanna, startled, stood up from the chair.

17. "No, there is no one, God, why should I do this? ...... Now what am I to tell him? ......" Sanna pondered, and sat down for a long time before the bed.

18. the door suddenly opened, a fresh sea breeze rushed into the house, the sturdy sallow fisherman dragging a wet and torn fish net, while walking in, said: "Hey, I'm back, Sanna!"

19. "Oh, it's you," said Sana, standing up, not daring to raise her eyes to look at him.

20. "Look, it's a terrible night like this!"

21. "Yes, yes, the weather is bad. Oh, how was the fish fight?"

22. "Bad, really bad, did not hit anything, and tore the net, bad luck, bad luck, the weather is really bad, I can not remember when there is such a night, and talk about fishing, thank God, finally came back alive ...... I was away, what are you doing at home? I'm not here, what are you doing at home?"

23. the fisherman said, dragged the net into the house, sitting next to the stove.

24. "Me?" Sanna blushed and said, "I'm ...... sewing ...... the wind howls so fiercely, it's really scary, I can worry for you!"

25. "Yes, yes," murmured the husband, "the weather is really living hell, but what can you do about it!

26. The two men were silent for a while.

27. "You know what?" Sanna said, "Our neighbor Simon is dead."

28. "Oh, when?"

29. "I don't know when she died, probably yesterday, alas, she died so badly, two children were beside her, asleep. They were so small ...... one could not yet speak, and the other just crawled ......" Sanna was silent.

30. the fisherman frowned, his face became serious, worried.

31. "Well, it's a problem," he said, scratching the back of his head: "Well, what do you think? We have to bring them here, how can we stay with the dead? Oh, we, we can always get over it, go on, don't wait for them to wake up."

32. but Sana sat motionless.

33. "What's the matter with you, don't you want to? What's the matter with you, Sana?"

34. "Look, here they are," said Sana, pulling open the tent.



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