
陈雷英语 语文教学 英语录音 六年级上 查看内容


2024-1-19 15:04| 发布者: admin| 查看: 31| 评论: 0

摘要: .

In Berlin

1. A train slowly rolled out of Berlin, and the carriages were full of women and children, with hardly a sturdy man in sight.

2In one carriage, there was a gray-haired war veteran sitting next to a frail and sickly old woman.

3. Apparently she was alone in thought, the passengers heard her counting "one, two, three", the sound drowned out the click-click-click of the wheels. After a pause, she repeated it again.

4. Two young girls saw this peculiar behavior, gesticulating and snickering without thinking.

5An old man swept them a hard look,? Then the carriage was calm.

6. "One, two, three," the delirious old woman repeated the count again.

7. The two young girls giggled again. At this point, the gray-haired wartime reserve veteran straightened up and spoke.

8. "Miss," he said, "when I tell you that this poor lady is my wife, you probably won't laugh anymore.

9We have just lost three sons, who died in the war.

10Now it's my turn to go to the front.

11Before I go, I have to send their mother to the madhouse!" ,

12There was a terrible silence in the carriage.

13Everything will be all right!



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