
陈雷英语 语文教学 英语录音 六年级上 查看内容


2024-1-19 15:05| 发布者: admin| 查看: 62| 评论: 0

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Growing in summer

1. Summer is the season when everything grows rapidly.

2. creatures from small to large, originally every day to grow, but the summer growth is fast growth, jumping growth, living and visible growth.

3. you look at the green vine in the bean shed melon frame, a day can grow a few inches; you go to the bamboo forest, sorghum field to listen to the sound, in the bla bla sound, a night can be more than half a section.

4. Yesterday was a bud, today is a flower, tomorrow will become a small fruit.

5. a white stone, a few days away, full of moss; a yellow clay, a few days away, it became a lawn vegetable bed.

6. The neighbor's kitten, dog, chicken and duck, not coming for a month, meet again, it is already half as big as its mother.

7. The grass grows, the trees grow, and the mountain is becoming fuller day by day.

8. The rice seedlings grow, the sugar cane grows, and the ground grows taller day by day.

9. The water grows, the waterfall grows, and the river grows wider and deeper day by day.

10. As the saying goes: "No heat, no growth, no heat, no growth.'' As the power of the sun increases and the temperature increases, everything grows.

11. At the hottest time, even the railroad tracks are long, filling the seams of the stubble places almost to the brim.

12. The tarmac is also soft, like high up.

13. Once the summer is over, some elementary school students become middle school students, and some middle school students become college students.

14. Upgrade, skip class, hurry up, slow down, always to grow.

15. Northern farming proverb says: "June 6, see the valley show." And also said: "at the end of the summer does not come out of the head, cut grain to feed the old cattle."

16. crops to the time when the time to grow does not grow, or grow too slowly, there is no hope of harvest.

17. People are also the same, to catch the time, to catch the hot day, as hard as possible to grow.



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