
陈雷英语 语文教学 英语录音 六年级上 查看内容


2024-1-19 15:06| 发布者: admin| 查看: 20| 评论: 0

摘要: .


1One day, my mother came home from work and gave me a flat paper box.

2I opened it and saw that it was a new light green, transparent raincoat.

3I immediately shook off the raincoat and put it on.

4. What? The raincoat also has two sleeves, unlike the cloak type: hands in the raincoat shrink, can not do anything.

5. The situation is different when you wear this, regardless of whether it rains or not, what you want to do.

6. I thought, while walking around the house, put on the rain hat, and shake the sleeves, the raincoat rustled.

7. Until my mother shouted: "Lei Lei, are you crazy? I don't think you have heat rash on your body?" I rushed to take off the raincoat.

8. I felt my back, my shirt was soaked with sweat, and my body was cold.

9I began to hope for a change of weather.

10But for many days in a row, the sky was blue during the day and full of stars at night.

11My raincoat has been lying quietly in the box, and the box has been lying quietly in the closet.

12Every day on the way to school I thought, "The sun has baked the sky so dry, can clouds still grow? Why is the weather forecast always "clear" when I have a raincoat?

13. One day, when I was almost home, the small poplar trees along the road suddenly rustled up, as if they were laughing.

14What's more, it's the wind.

15After a while, a few thick clouds drifted over and covered the sun.

16The sky changed color all of a sudden.

17Pedestrians on the road are speeding up their walking speed, but I slowed down, thinking, rain on the head, is the most beautiful thing in the world!

18. Sure enough, with a few muffled thunder, a few raindrops really fell on the head.

19I reached out and tried around again, and two dots fell on my hand.

20I tilted my head in excitement and ran into the door of the building with my book bag in my hands.

21"Mom!" I yelled, running into the kitchen.

22"Leilei is back just in time, wipe your hair and get ready to listen to the English lecture!"

23"But ...... It's still half an hour away."

24I muttered, thinking, "Why don't you look out the window?

25"Then take a break." I heard a squeak when my mother finished, but she was putting garlic scapes into the hot frying pan.

26"I'm especially not tired today. I'll buy you some soy sauce, mom, huh?" I begged.

27"Look, I brought back the soy sauce from work."

28Mom smiled at me, as if she had guessed what I was thinking.

29"But ...... I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to get a good deal. I have to put a lot of soy sauce in the stew." I said, while glancing out the window with my eyes, afraid that the rain had stopped.

30. "When did I say I want to stew meat?" Mom stewed the rice and turned to look at me twice.

31"You didn't say it, but Dad did." I blushed as soon as the words came out.

32Because I hadn't seen Dad and no one had told me what meat to stew.

33"Really?" Mom asked.

34I stopped talking and didn't dare to look at Mom again. I hurriedly turned my back and stared at the dish rack, which was indeed full of jars and cans, and it didn't look like there was any hope of going out to buy anything.

35Looking at the alarm clock in the house, 6:20, I had to turn on the TV and listen to the English lecture without saying a word.

36After dinner, the rain was still falling, clattering against the glass window, as if it was beating a drum to lure me out.

37I ran to the window and couldn't stop looking at the street.

38. looking and looking and worrying: if the rain is over today, will there be rain tomorrow? It's better to leave it for tomorrow.

39Oddly enough, the rain stopped just as I had hoped.

40The surroundings became so quiet all of a sudden.

41I pushed open the window and the cool air came in, with a fishy smell.

42The streetlights shone on the road washed by the rain, the road like a layer of shiny glass; the streetlights shone on the small poplar trees by the roadside, the small poplar trees like hanging pearls and agates.

43. But if the rain falls on the light green raincoat, it will be even better than the pearl agate.

44I flung myself into bed and thought about the rain hitting my raincoat tomorrow.

45When I opened my eyes the next morning, it was still quiet all around.

46I was determined not to think about the rain or not.

47When I walked down the street with my backpack, a few drops of water fell on my head again.

48I thought it was falling from a tree, until I tilted my head away from the tree and the sweet drops of rain fell on my lips again, my heart felt like it was going to pop out of my throat again.

49. I ran home a few steps, opened the cupboard door with a straight face, took out my raincoat and said to my mom, "Mom, it's raining, it's still raining!"

50Mom smiled at me with a tilted head and helped me fasten my buckle and put on my hat.

51I ran down the stairs with a stiff neck and caution.

52I walked down the street, fluttering my two transparent green sleeves, feeling as if the raindrops loved to fall on my raincoat in particular.

53They jumped vigorously on the top of my head and shoulders: tick, tick, tick ......



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