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2024-1-19 15:08| 发布者: admin| 查看: 25| 评论: 0

摘要: .

There is only one Earth

1. According to the astronauts who were lucky enough to fly into space, when they looked at the Earth from a distance while traveling in the sky, what they saw was a crystal sphere with blue and white lines interlaced, surrounded by a thin layer of aqua blue "gauze".

2. The Earth, the mother of mankind, the cradle of life, is so beautiful and magnificent and amiable.

3. but in the starry universe, the Earth is a planet with a radius of about six thousand four hundred kilometers.

4. Compared with the vast universe, the earth is small.

5. It is only this big and will not grow any bigger.

6. The natural resources that the Earth has are limited.

7. Take the mineral resources, it is not the gift of anyone, but formed after millions or even hundreds of millions of years of geological changes.

8. The earth is selfless, and it provides mineral resources generously to mankind.

9. However, uncontrolled exploitation will certainly accelerate the depletion of mineral resources on the earth.

10. Water resources, land resources and biological resources needed for human life could have been continuously regenerated and contributed to mankind for a long time.

11. However, because people destroy natural resources at will and misuse chemicals without regard to the consequences, not only do they fail to regenerate, but also cause a series of ecological disasters, which bring serious threats to human existence.

12. Some people may say, "Isn't the space of the universe so big that there are countless planets there, and when the resources of the earth are depleted, can't we move to other planets?

13. Scientists have proved that there is no second planet suitable for human habitation, at least within a range of forty trillion kilometers centered on the Earth.

14. Humans cannot expect to move to another planet after the Earth is destroyed.

15. It is true that scientists have proposed many ideas, for example, to build a base for migration on Mars or the Moon.

16. But even if these ideas can be realized, they are still far away. Besides, how many people can go to live there?

17. "Our planet is too lovely and too fragile at the same time!" This is what astronauts exclaim when they travel in space and see the Earth.

18. There is only one Earth, and if it is destroyed, we have no other place to go.

19. If all kinds of resources on the earth are depleted, we can hardly get replenishment from other places.

20. We should protect the earth carefully and preserve its ecological environment.

21. Let the earth be better for our future generations!



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