
陈雷英语 语文教学 英语录音 六年级上 查看内容


2024-1-19 15:10| 发布者: admin| 查看: 51| 评论: 0

摘要: .

Sanhei and the land

1. as soon as the farmers had the land

2. put their whole life into the land.

3. like a goose on a dry day.

4. as soon as it sees water, it burrows into the water with its head and tail. 

5. and hates every piece of earth.

6. to the tongue.

7. whether it is salty or sweet

8. to taste for themselves first.

9. three black

10. never slept in such a good bed.

11. ready for today.

12. ask the seeds of wheat to sleep on it. 13.

13. such a good bed,

14. wheat seed child lying down quite comfortable. 15,

15. just want to sprout, 16.

16. to burrow out quickly to absorb some rain dew. 17.

17. Sanhei harrowed the ground.

18. sit down and take a rest.

19. saw the buckwheat he planted had blossomed, 20.

20. white like a snow. 21.

21. in the buckwheat field

22. and two katydids were calling.

23. squeaking ......

24. the call makes people feel like scratching their hearts.

25. When I was a kid, I caught a caddisfly.

26. often scolded, 27.

27. my parents scolded me for not collecting firewood properly.

28. The landlord scolded me for wading through his crops.

29. now

30. the katydids were calling in their own field.

31. He wanted to greet the boy who was passing by the field:

32. "Go and catch them, and listen to how well they call!" 33.

33. he was planning again:

34. to join a partnership next year.

35. to water the ground so that it will become fertile.

36. to make the crops grow better and produce more.

37. to buy a small donkey.

38. to deliver the rations after the field;

39. to carry the old companion

40. to see his daughter, go to Dongzhuang.

41. Sanhei was harrowing the ground while thinking:

42. the man who turns over is really sweet.

43. he smiled so much that he could not even close his mouth.

44. The caddisflies in the field also chirped more happily.



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