
陈雷英语 语文教学 英语录音 六年级上 查看内容


2024-1-19 15:11| 发布者: admin| 查看: 22| 评论: 0

摘要: .

Moonlight Song

1. More than two hundred years ago, there was a German musician named Beethoven, who composed many famous pieces of music.

2. One of them is a famous piano piece called "Moonlight Song", and the legend is that it was composed in this way.

3. One autumn, Beethoven traveled around to perform and came to a small town by the Rhine River.

4. One night he was walking along a quiet path when he heard intermittent piano sounds coming from a cottage, playing his very composition.

5. When Beethoven approached the hut, the piano suddenly stopped and someone was talking in the house.

6. A girl said: "How difficult it is to play this piece! I've only heard others play it a few times, but I can't remember how to play it. If I could hear how Beethoven played it himself, how wonderful it would be!"

A man said, "Yes, but concert tickets are too expensive, and we are too poor."

8. The girl said, "Brother, don't be sad, I'm just talking."

9. Hearing this, Beethoven pushed open the door and went in gently.

10. A candle was lit in the cottage. In the faint candlelight, the man was making shoes.

11. There was an old piano in front of the window, and in front of it sat a girl of sixteen or seventeen with a clear face, but her eyes were blind.

12. When the shoemaker saw a stranger coming in, he stood up and asked, "Sir, who are you looking for?

12. You've come to the wrong door, haven't you?"

13. Beethoven said, "No, I have come to play a piece of music for the girl."

14. The girl stood up quickly and gave up her seat. Beethoven sat down in front of the piano and played the piece that the blind girl had just played.

15. The blind girl was fascinated by the piece, and when it was finished, she said excitedly: "How well you played it!

16. How deep the feeling which!

17. you, you are Mr. Beethoven, right?"

18 Beethoven did not answer, he asked the blind girl: "Do you like it?

19 I will play you another song."

20 A gust of wind blew out the candle.

21 The moonlight shone through the window, and everything in the cottage seemed to be covered with a silver veil, and it looked especially quiet.

22 Beethoven looked at the two siblings standing beside him, and by the light of the moon, he pressed the keys.

23The cobbler listened quietly.

24 He seemed to be facing the sea, and the moon was rising from where the water and the sky met.

25 The shimmering sea was suddenly sprinkled with silver light.

26 The moon rose higher and higher, through wisps of gossamer clouds.

27 Suddenly, a strong wind blew on the sea and rolled up huge waves.

28 The waves, illuminated by the moonlight, came one after another toward the shore ......

29 The cobbler looked at his sister, the moonlight was shining on her quiet face, shining on her wide open eyes.

30 It was as if she too saw, saw a sight she had never seen before, the moonlight shining on the turbulent sea.

31 The brother and sister were enchanted by the wonderful sound of the lute.

32 By the time they woke up, Beethoven had long since left the cottage.

33 He dashed back to the inn and spent the night recording the piece he had just played, the Moonlight Song.



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