
陈雷英语 语文教学 英语录音 六年级上 查看内容


2024-1-19 15:13| 发布者: admin| 查看: 88| 评论: 0

摘要: .

Teenager Leapland

1. A golden moon hung in the deep blue sky, and below was the sandy land by the sea, all planted with endless turquoise watermelons, in the midst of which there was a young man of eleven or twelve years old, with a silver ring around his neck and a steel fork in his hand, stabbing at a badger "as hard as he could".

2. But the badger twisted his body and escaped from his crotch.

3. This young man is Leapto.

4. I knew him when I was only ten years old, thirty years ago now; my father was still alive and my family was well, and I was a young master.

5. That year, my family was a big sacrifice of the year.

6. This sacrifice, said to be more than thirty years to get a turn, so very solemn; the first month for the ancestral statue, a lot of offerings, sacrificial vessels are very elaborate, worship many people, sacrificial vessels are also very to prevent theft to go.

7. There was only one busy month in my family (we have three kinds of work for people here: those who do work for certain people throughout the year are called long years; those who do work for people on a daily basis are called short workers; those who also farm their own land and only come to do work for certain people on New Year's Day and rent collection are called busy months, and they are not busy enough, so he said to his father that he could ask his son Leuntu to take charge of the sacrificial vessels.

8. My father allowed it; and I was very glad, for I had heard the name Leap-Tu, and knew that he was about my age, and was born in the leap month, and lacked earth in the five elements, so his father called him Leap-Tu.

9. He was able to pretend to snare and catch small birds and finches.

10 So I looked forward to the New Year day by day, and when the New Year came, so did the leap-frog.

11 When the end of the year came easily, one day my mother told me that the leap-frog had come, so I ran to see him.

12 He was in the kitchen, with a round purple face, a small felt hat on his head, and a bright silver collar around his neck, which showed that his father loved him very much and was afraid that he would die, so he had made a wish before the gods and Buddhas and had put him in a circle.

13 He was very shy when he saw people, but he was not afraid of me, and when there was no one else, he talked to me, so in less than half a day we became acquainted.

14 We didn't know what to talk about at that time, but I remember that Leapfrog was very happy, saying that after going to the city, he had seen many things that he had not seen before.

15 On the second day, I asked him to catch birds.

16 He said, "I can't do that. It will only be good when it snows. When it snowed on our sandy ground, I swept out an open space, set up a large bamboo plaque with a short stick, and scattered the grain, and when the birds came to eat it, I pulled the string tied to the stick from afar, and the birds were covered under the bamboo plaque. There were all kinds of birds: rice chickens, horned chickens, pidgeons, blue backs ......"

17 So I was looking forward to the snow again.

18 Leapfrog said to me again:

19 "It is too cold now, you come to us in summer.

20 We go to the seaside to examine the shells during the day, red and green ones are there, ghosts see fear also, Guanyin hands also have.

21 At night, I go with my father to manage the watermelon, you also go."

22 "Control thieves? "

23 "No.

24 walking people thirsty to pick a melon to eat, we are not considered theft here.

25To control the badger pig, hedgehog, Badger.

26 Under the moon, listen to the sound, the badger is biting the melon.

27 Then you pinch the fork and go gently ......"

28 I did not know at that time how this so-called Badger was a thing - that is, I do not know now - but for no reason I felt that the shape of a small dog and very fierce.

29 "Doesn't he bite?"

30 "There's Hu Hu. Walk to, see the badger, you will stab.

31 This beast is very clever, but you run towards you, but from the crotch scampered.

32 His fur is like oil ......"

33 I did not know that there were many new things in the world: that there were such multicolored shells by the sea, and that watermelons had such dangerous experiences, but I only knew that they were sold in fruit stores.

34 "In our sand, when the tide is coming, there are many jumping fish just jumping, all with frog-like two feet ......"

35 Ah!

36 There were endless strange things in the heart of the leapfrog, which my friends of old did not know.

37 They didn't know something, but when Leapfrog was by the sea, they all saw only the sky at the four corners of the high wall in the courtyard, just as I did.

38 Unfortunately, when the first month had passed, Leaphorn had to go home, and I was so anxious that I cried, and he hid in the kitchen, crying and refusing to go out, but he was finally taken away by his father.

39 He later asked his father to bring me a packet of shells and some very nice bird feathers, and I sent him something once or twice, but never saw him again



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