
陈雷英语 语文教学 英语录音 六年级上 查看内容


2024-1-19 15:13| 发布者: admin| 查看: 21| 评论: 0

摘要: .

25 good stories

1. the lights are gradually shrinking, in the preview of the oil has not much; oil and not old, early smoked lampshade is very dim.

2. the flourish of the whip explosion in four near, tobacco smoke around: is dim night.

3. I closed my eyes, leaned back, leaned back in the chair; cupped the hand of the "Beginner's Journal" resting on the knee condyle.

4. I saw a good story in the haze.

5. The story was beautiful, ethereal and interesting.

6. many beautiful people and beautiful things, intricate as a day cloud tapestry, and ten thousand running stars like flying, and at the same time spread out to infinity.

7. I seem to remember passing by the mountain vagina in a small boat, the two shores of the sallow, new harvest, wild flowers, chickens, dogs, bushes and dead trees, thatched huts, pagodas, galleys, farmers and village women, village girls, sun-dried clothes, monks, straw hats, sky, clouds, bamboo, ......

8. all reflected in the clear blue river, with each stroke of the paddle, each with the shimmering daylight, and the water of the algae and fish, swirling together.

9. All the shadows and all the things, all dissolve, and shake, and expand, and blend with each other; and as soon as they blend, they retreat again, and return to their original form.

10 The edges are all jagged like summer clouds, set with daylight, emitting mercury-colored flames.

11This is true of all the rivers that I have passed.

12 Now so is the story that I have seen.

13 The bottom of the blue sky in the water, on which all things are intertwined, is woven into a piece, ever vivid, ever unfolding, and I cannot see the end of it.

14 A few thin red plants under the dead willow trees by the river, which should be planted by the village girl.

15 Big red flowers and spotted red flowers, both floating in the water, suddenly broken and scattered, elongated, like wisps of rouge water, but no halo.

16 thatched huts, dogs, towers, village girls, clouds, ...... Also all floating.

17 The big red flowers were all stretched out one by one, and this time it was a red brocade band of splashing and bursting.

18 The band was woven into the dog, the dog into the white cloud, and the white cloud into the village girl ...... In a moment, they will retreat again.

19 But the shadows of the red flowers were broken and stretched out, and they were about to be woven into the tower, the village woman, the dog, the hut, and the cloud.

20 Now the story I saw became clear, beautiful, elegant, interesting, and clear.

21 Above the green sky there are countless beautiful people and beautiful things, and I see them all and know them all.

22 And I was about to gaze upon them ......

23 I was about to gaze at them when I was suddenly startled and opened my eyes, and the clouds were wrinkled and disarrayed, as if someone had thrown a boulder down the river, and the water waves rose abruptly and tore the whole shadow into pieces.

24 I unconsciously hurriedly squeezed the "First Study" that almost fell to the ground, and there were still a few iridescent shadows left in front of me.

25 I really loved this good story, and I wanted to recover it, finish it, and keep it while the shadows were still there.

26 I threw away the book, and reached for the pen with my hand, and--what a shred of shadow, only a dim light, and I was not in the boat any more.

27 But I always remember seeing this one good story, in the dim night ......


GMT+8, 2024-9-18 08:54

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