
陈雷英语 语文教学 英语录音 六年级上 查看内容


2024-1-19 15:15| 发布者: admin| 查看: 19| 评论: 0

摘要: .

My uncle, Mr. Lu Xun

1. When my uncle, Mr. Lu Xun, was alive, I was too young to know who Lu Xun was, and thought that my uncle was my uncle, just like anyone else's uncle.

2. When my uncle died, his body was lying in the auditorium of the Universal Funeral Hall, and many people came to mourn him and pay tribute to him, some even lost their voices and cried.

3. Countless elegies hung on the walls, and wreaths of all sizes were piled up all over the room.

4. There were workers, students and all kinds of people who sent wreaths.

5. At that time I was a little surprised, why did uncle get so many people's love?

6. I stared blankly at the people coming and going, thinking that I would never see my uncle's face, hear his voice, or receive his affection, and tears fell one by one.

7. In the first month of the year my uncle died, one day, on a Saturday afternoon, my mom and dad took me to my uncle's house.

8. At that time, every weekend, the three of us sisters took turns to follow our mom and dad to go to our uncle's house for a reunion.

9. This day at the dinner table, my uncle talked to me about the stories and characters in "Water Margin".

10. I don't know how my uncle knew that I had read Water Margin, but I guess my father told him.

11. To be honest, I read "Water Margin" but swallowed it whole, paying attention only to the tense and moving plot; the personalities of the good men, the complexities, all unclear, and sometimes put the things that this person did on that person.

12. When my uncle asked me, I just made up my own story.

13. uncle stroked his beard, laughed, and said: "ha ha!

14. or I have a good memory."

15.Hearing this remark of my uncle, I was ashamed and remorseful, and I felt worse than being beaten and scolded.

16.From now on, I don't read anything sloppily anymore.

17. When I was leaving that day, my uncle gave me two books, one was "The Table" and one was "Little John".

18. Uncle has passed away many years ago, and I still have these two books.

19Once, at my uncle's house, the group gathered around a table for dinner.

20 I looked at my father's nose and then at my uncle's nose and said to him, "Uncle, you look like your father in everything, except for one thing.

21 "Which one is not?"

22 Uncle turned his head and asked me with a smile.

23 He was chewing something, and the beard on his lips moved with him.

24 "Dad's nose is tall and straight, yours is flat and flat."

25 I looked at them for half a day before saying.

26 "You don't know," said my uncle, touching his nose and smiling, "that when I was little, my nose was just like your father's, high and straight too."

27 "Then how-"

28 "But later on, I bumped into the wall a few times and flattened my nose."

29 "Bumped the wall?"

30 I said, "How did you bump into the wall?

31 Did you walk carelessly?"

32 "Do you think it's not easy to bump into a wall when there's a black hole all around?"

33 "Oh!"

34 I suddenly realized, "Of course the wall is much harder than the nose, no wonder you flattened your nose."

35 Everyone in the audience laughed out loud.

36 One day at dusk, the north wind was howling and the sky was very dark.

37The people in the street were hurrying home.

38 My mother and father took me by the hand and went to my uncle's house.

39 Not far from the door of my uncle's house, I saw a yellow rickshaw puller sitting on the ground and moaning, his car thrown aside.

40 We walked over and saw him holding his feet with both hands, no shoes on his feet, and a puddle of blood dripping from the ground.

41 He heard footsteps and looked up, his weathered face showing unbearable pain.

42 "What's wrong?" Dad asked him.

43 "Sir," he said in a low voice from his gray, twitching lips, "I wasn't paying attention and stepped on broken glass, and it got stuck in the bottom of my foot.

44 It hurts so much that I can't go home!"

45 Dad ran to his uncle's house, and in a short time, he came out with medicine and gauze from his uncle.

46They put the rickshaw puller on the car, one squatting, the other half-kneeling, and Dad took tweezers to clip out the broken glass, and uncle took boric acid water to clean him. They put medicine on him and tied a bandage.

47 The one pulling the cart said gratefully, "My home is not far from here, this can support the return.

48Two kind gentlemen, I don't know how to thank you!"

49 The uncle gave him some money, told him to rest at home for a few days, and gave him the rest of the medicine and bandages.

50 It was dark, and the streetlights gave off a faint light.

51 I stood in front of my uncle's house and watched them. I suddenly felt a deep chill and felt the tip of my nose, which was as cold as ice, and my feet and hands were somewhat numb.

52 I thought, "How can that cart puller run on the road with bare feet on such a cold day?

53 When my uncle and father came back, I asked them.

54 Uncle's answer I can't remember now, only that his words were deep and not easy to understand.

55 I looked up and asked him to explain it to me in detail.

56Then I saw clearly, and remember clearly now, that his face no longer had that kindly, pleasant expression, but had become so serious.

57 He did not answer me, but pressed his thin hand on my head, and did not move for half a day, and finally sighed deeply.

58 After my uncle's death, I met San, the female embrace of his family.

59 San was a worker's wife, her husband had lost his job, and she was so worried that her eyes were clouded, and she could not see clearly, like a fog.

60 She talked to me about the events of my uncle's life.

61 She said, "Mr. Zhou was so sick himself, but he still wrote articles in the middle of the night.

62 Sometimes I listened to him coughing one after another, and I really felt sorry for him.

63 He did not care at all about his illness, but often advised me to rest more and did not ask me to do heavy work."

64 Indeed, uncle was such a person, who thought less of himself and more of others


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