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2024-1-22 10:33| 发布者: admin| 查看: 17| 评论: 0

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1 Spring in Beijing

1. According to the old rules in Beijing, Spring Festival starts almost at the beginning of the lunar month.

It is the coldest time of the year.

3. However, after the harsh winter, it is soon spring, so people do not let the cold make them less enthusiastic to celebrate the New Year and welcome spring.

4. On the eighth day of the lunar month, every family boils lunar congee.

5. This special porridge is a sacrifice to the ancestors and gods, but when you think about it, it is an expression of pride in an agricultural society - this porridge is made of various kinds of rice, various kinds of beans, and various kinds of dried fruits (almonds, walnuts, melon seeds, lychee meat, cinnamon meat, lotus seeds, peanut rice, raisins, rhubarb rice ......).

6. This is not porridge, but a small exhibition of agricultural products.

7. On the day of the eighth day of the lunar month, you also have to soak the garlic.

8. Put the garlic cloves into high vinegar and seal it up for the dumplings in the New Year.

9. At the end of the year, the garlic is soaked like emerald and the vinegar has some spicy flavor, so the color and taste are both beautiful, so people can't help but eat more dumplings.

10. In Beijing, every family eats dumplings at New Year's Eve.

11. From the eighth day of the lunar month, shopkeepers step up their efforts to stock up on New Year's goods, and the streets are filled with stalls selling spring scrolls, New Year paintings, honey offerings, daffodils, and so on, all of which only appear during this season.

12. All these stalls make the children's hearts beat a little faster.

13. In the hutongs, the shouting is also more and more complicated than usual. Among them, there are also those that appear only in the waxing moon, like those selling pine sticks, barley rice, rice cakes, etc.

14. The first thing the children do to prepare for the New Year is to buy mixed vegetables.

15. These are made of various kinds of dried fruits (peanuts, gum dates, hazelnuts, chestnuts, etc.) mixed with candied fruits, ordinary ones with skins, high-class ones without skins - for example, ordinary ones with hazelnuts with skins, high-class ones with hazelnuts.

16. The children like to eat these bits and pieces, and even if there are no dumplings to eat, they have to buy a mixture of them.

17. The second thing they do is to buy firecrackers, especially the boys.

I'm afraid the third thing is to buy stuff - kites, firecrackers, harmonica, etc., and New Year paintings.

19. The children are busy and the adults are nervous.

20. They must prepare food and drink for the New Year and make new shoes and clothes for the children, so as to show the new weather in the New Year.

21. The 23rd day of the lunar new year is almost a "dress rehearsal" for the Chinese New Year.

22. Among the elderly, on this day at night, every family sacrifices to the King of Zao, and from the first darkness, firecrackers go off, and people incinerate the paper statue of the King of Zao with the sound of firecrackers, in the name of sending the King of Zao to heaven.

23. In the first few days, there are many sellers of malt candy and rice candy on the street, and the candy is either in the shape of a long square or in the shape of a large or small melon.

24. According to the old saying, if you stick the mouth of the King of Zao with sugar, he will not report the bad things at home to the Jade Emperor when he gets to heaven.

25. After the twenty-third, everyone will be more busy, the Spring Festival will be here in the blink of an eye ah.

26. Before New Year's Eve, every family must put up the Spring Festival couplets, and must clean the house once, called sweeping.

27. must be meat, chicken, fish, vegetables, rice cakes and other things are well prepared, at least enough to eat with a week - according to the old custom, most stores closed for five days, until the sixth day of the first month to open.

28. If you do not prepare food for the next few days, it is not easy to replenish the temporary.

29. New Year's Eve is really lively.

30. Every family rushed to make New Year's dishes, the smell of meat and wine everywhere.

31. Young and old, men and women are dressed in new clothes, red couplets are put up outside the door, and all kinds of New Year's paintings are put up inside the house, and every house is lit up all night long without interruption, and the sound of firecrackers continues day and night.

32. People who work outside, unless absolutely necessary, must rush home to eat the reunion dinner and ancestor worship.

33. This night, except for the very young children, no one sleeps, all have to keep the New Year.

34. the first day of the light is very different from New Year's Eve: New Year's Eve, the streets are crowded with people; the first day, the store are on the board, the door piled with last night's firecrackers paper, the whole city is resting.

35. The men went out before noon to pay their respects to relatives and friends.

36. The women received guests in their homes. There were many temples open for people to visit inside and outside the city, and vendors set up stalls outside the temples, selling tea, food and various toys.

37. The Dazhong Temple outside the north city, Baiyunguan outside the west city, and the Vulcan Temple (Qiantian) in the south city are the most famous.

38. However, the first two or three days of the opening of the temple, not very busy, because people are busy with each other to celebrate the New Year, do not have time to care.

39. By the fifth and sixth day of the first month, the temple fair began to be scenic.

40. The children were particularly enthusiastic to go shopping, in order to see the wild scenery outside the city, can ride donkeys, and also to buy those unique toys for the New Year.

41. There are car races in the square outside Baiyunguan, and among the elderly, it is said that there are also camel races.

42. These races are not for the first and the second but for the beautiful posture and skillfulness of the mules and horses and their riders in front of the audience.

43. Most of the stores opened on the sixth day of the first month, and firecrackers were set off, and from dawn to early morning, the sound of firecrackers was incessant throughout the city.

44. Although the store was opened, but except for the stores selling food and other important daily necessities, everyone was not very busy, and the guys in the store could take turns to go to the temple fair, visit the flyover and listen to the opera.

45. Lantern (dumplings) are on the market, and another climax of the Spring Festival has arrived.

46. New Year's Eve is lively, but there is no moonlight; as for the Lantern Festival, it happens to be a bright moon in the sky.

47. The first day of the Lunar New Year is decent, with bright red Spring Festival couplets posted in front of every door and people wearing new clothes, but it is not beautiful enough; the Lantern Festival, with lights and colors hanging everywhere, the whole street looks like a happy event, fiery and beautiful.

48. Hundreds of lanterns are hung in famous old stores: some are all glass, some are horn, some are yarn; some are painted with the story of "Dream of the Red Chamber" or "Water Margin", and some have various patterns.

49. In those days, this is also a kind of advertising.

50. Once the lamps were hung, anyone could enter the store to visit, and in the evening the lamps were lit with candles, so there were even more visitors.

51. This advertisement is not vulgar.

52. The dried fruit store also has to do a batch of mixed business at the festival of lights, so every time the originality, made into a variety of ice lanterns, or with wheat seedlings made of one or two long green dragon, to attract customers.

53. Children buy all kinds of firecrackers, even if they don't run to the street to be naughty, they can still play with sound and light at home.

54. There are also lanterns at home: horse lanterns, palace lanterns, paper lanterns of various shapes and colors, and yarn lanterns with small bells inside, which will jingle when the time comes.

55. Everyone must also eat the Lantern.

56. It is indeed a wonderful and happy day.

57. In the blink of an eye, it was time for the students to go to school and the adults to go back to work as usual, and the Spring Festival ended on the 19th day of the first month.

58. The first month of the Lunar New Year and the first month of the Lunar New Year, in the countryside is the most leisurely time for everyone.

59. After the Lantern Festival, the weather turns warm and everyone goes back to work.

60. Although Beijing is a city, it also follows the countryside to celebrate the New Year, and it is a very lively time.



GMT+8, 2024-9-18 08:56

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