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2024-1-22 10:43| 发布者: admin| 查看: 20| 评论: 0

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5 Robinson Crusoe (excerpt)


1. Once upon a time, there was an Englishman named Robinson, he liked sailing and adventure, to many places in the world, encountered many dangers, but he was not afraid, hoping to go to the ends of the earth.

2. Once, Robinson took a boat to Africa, on the way to meet a gale, the boat was severely damaged, his companions died in the sea when escaping in the dinghy, and he was the only one washed to the edge of the island by the big waves.

3. This is a nameless, uninhabited desert island, full of rocks and weeds. He was tired and hungry, and thought to himself: "How can I live in such a place?

4. Wait until the tide receded, Robinson saw that the large ship was still floating on the sea, not far from the shore.

5. He found some wood to make a raft, rowed to the boat.

6. In the cabin, Robinson found a lot of things that can be used, can eat, one after another moved to the shore.

7. did not drown a dog, two cats accompanied him, which made him feel a little comfort in the desolate.

8. Robinson walked around the deserted island, in the hillside to choose a piece of water, can defend the wild animals, with wood and sails to set up a rudimentary tent.

9. there can see the sea, he hoped to see the passing ships, in order to ask for help.

10. Robinson settled down on the island and lived a lonely life.

11. The food carried down from the ship was getting smaller and smaller, and to live, he had to find a way.

12. Every day he either took a gun, with a dog to the forest to hunt, or to the sea to catch fish, but also to catch the live goats to raise animals.

13. Later he even had a flock of goats, can often drink goat milk, eat goat meat.

14. Robinson moved from the ship in the things there are some wheat, because the rats gnawed, he randomly scattered them on the ground, did not expect that soon grew shoots, and later produced spikes.

15. He repeatedly planted and harvested with this wheat seed, and in the fourth year, he finally ate the grain he had grown.

16. Many years passed.

17. one day, Robinson suddenly found the beach on the sea appeared human footprints. 18. he was terrified, guessing that this must be the nearby savages left.

19. He was worried that these savages would come to eat him, so in the open space in front of the residence densely inserted branches for defense, and the sheep in several places in the pen.

20. He lived in this uneasy mood for another two years.

21. Later, Robinson once again saw the traces of fire left by the savages and full of human bones, he could not help but associate them with the barbaric banquet.

22. Robinson in fear began to consider how to deal with these possible wild people.

23. After a few more years, one day, Robinson saw more than thirty savages in a small wooden boat ashore.

24. They dragged out two fallen companions and killed one of them, while the other struggled to escape.

25. He fled in the direction of Robinson's residence.

26. Robinson was determined to save the fleeing savage, so he shot and killed the two savages who were chasing him.

27. He gave the name "Friday" to the rescued savage.

28. "Friday" soon became his good helper, they lived happily on the island, expanding the area of food cultivation, and added a few sheep pens, drying a lot of raisins.

29. Robinson almost faded the idea of returning to England, back to civilized society.

30. Early one morning, Robinson was "Friday" shouted awake, it turned out that there is an English ship is anchored nearby.

31. He found that there was a rebellion on the ship, the sailors kidnapped the captain.

32. Robinson and "Friday" rescued the captain, who happily agreed to take them back to England.

33. After spending twenty-eight years on the desert island, Robinson finally returned to England.


1. I am now in a sad, no words to communicate the life of the scene, perhaps this life is unprecedented in the world.

2. but I must accept this life, and day by day to live.

3. According to my estimation, I landed on this deserted island on September 30.

4. It was around the autumnal equinox, and the sun was just above my head, so I estimated that I was at 9 degrees 22 minutes north latitude.

5. After 11 or 12 days on the island, it suddenly occurred to me that, without a book, pen and ink, I would not be able to estimate the days, or even distinguish between rest days and working days.

6.To avoid this, I carved some words on a large wooden pole with a knife and made it into a large cross, which I erected at the place where I first disembarked, with the inscription: "Here I disembarked on September 30, 1659."

7. On the side of this square wooden pole I carved a mark with my knife every day, and every seventh mark was twice as long as the others, and the mark on the first day of the month was twice as long again, so that I had a calendar.

8. I went to the ship several times and took out many things.

9. There were several things which, though not worth much, were useful to me, such as pens, ink, and paper, several packages found among the articles kept by the captain, first mate, gunner, and carpenter, three or four compasses, several mathematical instruments, and sundials, telescopes, maps, and books of nautical interest.

10. I piled them all up in a heap, just in case.

11. It should also be mentioned that we had a dog and two cats on board.

12. The two cats I brought ashore; as for the dog, it jumped out of the boat and swam ashore to me the day after I went ashore with the first cargo, and was my trusted servant for many years afterwards.

13. I do not care what it gets me, nor do I care for its company, I only need it to talk with me, but it can not do.

14. After I found the pen, ink and paper, I did my best to use them sparingly.

15. As long as I have ink, I can remember things very accurately.

16. but after the ink ran out, I couldn't do it, because I tried everything I could to make ink.

17. despite my collection of so many things, or lack of many, such as ink, and used to dig or transport soil shovel, crane hoe, shovel, as well as needle and thread. 51. as for underwear and so on, although the lack of, but I quickly get used to.

18. Without tools, it was difficult to do anything.

19. It took me almost a year to completely set up my little fenced-in dwelling.

20. Those pointed or round piles were so heavy that I had to use all my strength to lift them.

21. It took me a long time to cut the wood and work it in the woods, and a much longer time to bring it home.

22. that is, it took me two days to cut a stake and bring it back, and on the third day to drive it into the ground.

23. I first used a very heavy stick to drive the pile, and then I thought of using a crowbar. 58. Despite this, it was a lot of work and a lot of trouble to drive the pile.

24. But since I had to do the job and had plenty of time, what was the point of minding it?

25. If the work is done, there is nothing else for me to do but to wander around the island and look for food.

26. I now began to seriously consider my situation.

27. I wrote down what I had experienced, not to pass on my own experiences to future generations, but to reveal the thoughts that had been tied to my heart and tormented me constantly.

28. My reason was now gradually able to control my mourning mood, and I began to comfort myself as much as possible, comparing the danger I encountered with luck, so that I could be at peace with myself.

29. I kept a true account of the fortune and misfortune that had befallen me, following the format of debits and credits in business bookkeeping.

The Bad

1. I was abandoned on a terrible desert island with no hope of ever seeing the light of day again. 66. I was singled out and isolated from the world and suffered

2. I was separated from humanity and became a lonely person.

3. I had no clothes to wear.

4. I had no defensive power or means to resist man or beast. 70. There was no one to speak to me or to comfort me.


1. but I was alive and not drowned like my fellows.

2. but I was also spared from death, while all the other men on board had perished.

3. but I was neither starving nor dying in this barren land.

4. but, being in the tropics, I did not need to wear clothes even if I had them.

5. but here I could not see the wild beasts that would hurt me, which I had seen on the coast of Africa.

6. what should I do if my boat capsizes there?

7. but the boat drifted very close to the shore, I took out a lot of necessities, some even enough to last me a lifetime.


30. On the whole, this is one of the few situations in the world where people suffer, but there is something comforting about it.

31. This experience of the world's greatest suffering shows the world that in the midst of adversity, we can look at the good against the bad and find something to relieve ourselves.

32. Now that I had a slight idea of what was wrong with my situation, I no longer looked far out to sea, intent on seeing the boat.

33. I set out to adjust my way of life, and do my best to make everything as comfortable as possible.



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