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2024-1-22 10:47| 发布者: admin| 查看: 28| 评论: 0

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10. Three ancient poems

Horse Poem

[Tang] Li He 

The sand in the desert is like snow, the moon in the Yan Mountain is like a hook.

Why do I have to walk in the clear autumn when I have a golden brain?

The Lime Poem

[Ming] Yu Qian

A thousand hammers and chisels come out of the deep mountain.

The fire burns as if it were nothing.

I am not afraid to break my body and bones.

I want to leave my innocence on earth.

Bamboo and Stone

[Qing] Zheng Xie

Bite down on the green hills and never relax.

The roots are in the broken rock.

A thousand strokes are still strong, and

Any wind from east to west, north to south.


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