
陈雷英语 语文教学 英语录音 六年级下 查看内容


2024-1-22 10:49| 发布者: admin| 查看: 26| 评论: 0

摘要: .

14. Two literary texts

Learning to play

Yiqiu was a good player of the game in the country. One of them concentrated on the game, but only listened to it. One of them listened to it, but thought that a swan was coming, so he thought he could shoot it with his bow. Although he learns with it, he is not as good as it. For its wisdom is not as good as? Said: not true.

Two little children arguing the sun

Confucius traveled to the east, saw two children arguing, asked the reason.

A child said: "I to the day out of the beginning to go near people, and the day is far away."

A child said: "I take the sun out of the beginning of the far, but the middle of the day when near." A child said: "The first day out as big as a car cover, and the middle of the day is like a pellet, this is not the far one is small and the near one is big?"

A child said, "The first day is as cool as a car, and the middle of the day is like a soup, which is not hot for the near but cool for the far?"

Confucius could not decide.

Two children laughed and said, "Who knows more for you?"


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