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2024-1-22 10:50| 发布者: admin| 查看: 19| 评论: 0

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15. Truth is born after a hundred question marks

1.Some people have said that the truth is born after a hundred question marks.

2.In fact, this saying is a truth in itself.

3. Throughout the history of science and technology for thousands of years, those who have made achievements in the field of science have been good at finding problems in subtle, commonplace phenomena, constantly asking questions, constantly solving doubts, pursuing the root cause, and finally turning "? straighten out to "!" and find the truth.

4.Poyle was a famous English chemist in the 17th century.

5.One day, he was in a hurry to go to his laboratory, and when he passed by the flower garden, the intoxicating fragrance came to his nose, and he realized that the flowers in the garden were already in bloom.

6.He plucked a few violets and inserted them into a flask with water, and then began to do the experiment with his assistants.

7. Unfortunately, one of the assistants accidentally splashed a drop of hydrochloric acid onto the violets.

8. After a while, the petals that had been splashed with hydrochloric acid miraculously turned red.

9.Poyle was immediately sensitive to the fact that there was a substance in the violets that would turn red when it encountered hydrochloric acid.

10.So, what is this substance?

11.Would there be the same substance in other plants?

12.What would be the reaction of other acids to this substance?

13.This strange phenomenon and a series of questions prompted Boyle to conduct many experiments.

14.He found that most of the flowers and plants would change their color by the action of acid or alkali, among which the purple infusion extracted from litmus lichen was the most obvious: it turned red when exposed to acid and blue when exposed to alkali.

15. Using this feature, Boyle made the acid-base test paper commonly used in experiments - litmus test paper.

16.Since then, this test paper has been widely used in chemical experiments.

17.Nothing is unique.

18.One day in the early 20th century, the German meteorologist Wegener, who was hospitalized, was bored with the world map on the wall when he suddenly found that the convex part of the east coast of South America and the concave part of the west coast of Africa matched each other incredibly well!

19.Wegner was stunned by his chance discovery.

20.This couldn't be a coincidence, could it?

21.He compared a piece of land on the map and found that all the continents of the earth fit together better from the situation of the coastline.

22.After recovering from his illness, Wegener began to study this interesting phenomenon in earnest.

23.He read a lot of relevant literature and collected evidence of paleontology at the same time.

24.He noticed that a biologist named Michelson found that there was a kind of earthworm on the east coast of the United States and at the same latitude on the west coast of Europe, while there was no such earthworm on the west coast of the United States

25. Wegener believed that the distribution of this earthworm was an indication that the European and American continents were originally connected, otherwise it would have been difficult for the earthworm to fly across the ocean even with wings.

26. In 1915, Wegener systematically compiled his "theory of continental drift" and published the book "The Origin of Land and Sea", which had a great impact on the geological world.

27.A more interesting one is a Russian-American sleep researcher named Atherinsky.

28.Once he noticed that his son's eyes suddenly rolled up while he was sleeping.

29.He felt very strange: Why do the eyes turn when sleeping?

30.Can this be related to dreaming?

31.What could be the relationship?

32.With a series of questions, Atherinsky conducted an experiment on his eight-year-old son, and the results showed that the changes in brain waves were related to dreaming.

33. Then, he conducted repeated observation experiments on twenty adults, and finally concluded that: when the eyes are turning rapidly during sleep, the brain waves of people will also undergo large changes, which is the most vulnerable to dreaming stage.

34.Atherinsky's research results have become an important basis for psychologists to study dreaming.

35.There are many such examples in the history of science, which shows that science is not mysterious and truth is not far away.

36.As long as you see the smallest things, ask good questions and keep exploring, you may find the truth after you have solved a number of question marks.

37.Of course, the ability to see the small, ask questions and keep exploring does not come out of nowhere.

38.As the mathematician Hua Luogeng said, the inspiration of science, never sit and wait can wait.

39.If there is any chance of discovery in the field of science, then this "chance" will only be given to those who are good at independent thinking, to those who have the spirit of perseverance.



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