
陈雷英语 语文教学 英语录音 六年级下 查看内容


2024-1-22 10:51| 发布者: admin| 查看: 12| 评论: 0

摘要: .

They were so much fun back then

1. that night, Maggie even wrote about it in her diary.

2On the page of May 17, 2155, she wrote, "Today, Tomi found a real book!" 3

3It was a very old book.

4Maki's grandfather once told her that when he was a little boy, his grandfather told him that there was a time when all the stories were printed on paper.

5Maki and Tomi turned the pages of the book, which were yellowed and crumpled.

6The words they read all stood still, unlike what they usually saw on the fluorescent screen, moving in sequence. It's really interesting, don't you think?

7Read to the back and then turn back to the previous page and the words they had just read were still in place.

8Maki asked, "Where did you find this book?"

9"In our house," Tomi pointed out, but did not look up, because he was concentrating on the book. "It's on the top floor."

10He said again. "What's in the book?"


12A look of contempt and disdain appeared on Maggie's face: "School? What's there to write about school?

13I hate school."

14Maki had always hated school and hated it now more than ever.

15The machine teacher gave her the geography test over and over again, and she got worse answers than ever.

16Finally her mother shook her head sadly and brought in the teaching inspector.

17After the inspector adjusted the machine, patted her head, smiled and said to her mother: "It's not the little girl's fault, Mrs. Jones.

18. I think it is the geographic part of the machine is adjusted too fast, this kind of thing is often.

19I have slowed it down to the level of a ten-year-old. To be honest, her total learning is satisfactory enough."

20With that, he patted Maggie's head again.

21Maki was so disappointed that she had hoped they would take the robot teacher away.

22They once moved Tomi's teacher away for almost a month because the history part of the device was not showing images at all.

23So she said to Tomi, "How can anyone write about school?"

24Tommy gave her a very condescending look: "Because it's not our type of school, silly, it's the old-fashioned kind from hundreds of years ago."

25Then he said, word for word, "Centuries ago."

26Maggie was sad.

27"Well, I don't know what kind of schools they had on in ancient times."

28She looked at the book from behind his shoulder for a moment and said, "Anyway, they had to have a teacher, right?"

29"Of course, they had a teacher, not a teacher like us.

30It's a real person!"

31"A real person? How can a real person be a teacher?"

32"Well, he just teaches the children, gives them homework, and asks questions."

33"A real person is not that smart."

34"Of course he's smart. My dad knows as much as my robot teacher."

35Without wanting to argue, Maggie said, "I don't want a stranger coming to my house to teach me my homework."

36Tommy laughed loudly and pointedly. "You don't know too much, Maggie. Those teachers don't come to your house to teach.

37They have a special place where all the children go to school."

38"Do all the children learn the same lessons?"

39"That's of course, if they are the same age."

40"But my mother says that a teacher needs to be adjusted so that he can fit the intelligence of each child he teaches.

41Also, the teaching method should be different for each child."

42"They didn't happen to do that at that time.

43If you don't like the things the book says, you should simply not read the book."

44"I didn't say I didn't like it."

45Maggie said hastily.

46She was curious to know what all the fun school was about.

47They hadn't finished reading half of it when Madge's mother shouted, "Madge! It's time for class!"

48Maki sighed and went to class.

49She still had it in her head that when her grandfather's grandfather was a little boy, they went to the old-fashioned school.

50All the children in the neighborhood went to school in one place, they laughed and shouted in the schoolyard, they sat in class together; after the day's lessons, they went home together.

51They all learn the same homework, so they can help each other when they do their homework and discuss their problems with each other.

52And their teachers are real people ......

53The machine teacher is showing the words on the screen: "Let's add the fractions ½ and ¼ together──"

54Maggie was thinking how much those children must have loved their school in the old days.

55She thought, "What fun they had then!



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