
陈雷英语 语文教学 英语录音 第二册上 查看内容


2020-11-5 11:02| 发布者: admin| 查看: 455| 评论: 0

摘要: ·

Lesson Sixteen

Zhu De's Shoulder Pole

1. In 1928, Comrade Zhu De led troops to Jinggang Mountain and joined the team led by Comrade Mao Zedong.

2. At that time, the Red Army was on the mountain while the enemy was not far below the mountain.

3. The Red Army needed to stock enough food to consolidate the base area of the Jinggang Mountain and smash the enemy's siege.

4. There was not much grain produced in Jinggang Mountain, so some soldiers were often sent down the mountain to carry back grain from Maoping in Ninggang.

5. It was a distance of fifty to sixty miles back and forth between the Jinggang Mountain and Maoping. The paths in the high mountain were steep and difficult to walk through.

6. But every time, soldiers scrambled to take this task.

7. Comrade Zhu De also went to carry food with the soldiers.

8. He wore straw sandals and a hat, loaded the food on his shoulders and climbed the mountain together with everyone else.

9. He carried the food and climbed the mountains during the day, and often studied how to fight the enemy all through the night.

10. The soldiers felt sorry for him, so they hid his shoulder pole.

11. Unexpectedly, Comrade Zhu De found another pole and marked it "Zhu De's Shoulder Pole.”

12. Seeing this, everyone loved Comrade Zhu De more dearly, and felt ashamed to hide his pole again.



comrade 同志

troops 部队

enemy   敌人

below   下面

consolidate 巩固

siege 围攻

grain   粮食

soldiers   士兵(复数)

distance   距离

paths   路途(复数)

steep   陡峭

scrambled 争夺(过去式)

straw   稻草

sandals   凉鞋(复数)

carried   运送(过去式)

felt   感到(过去式)

pole 扁担

unexpectedly 出乎意料地

ashamed 羞愧(过去式)




1. 1928年,朱德同志带领队伍到井冈山,跟毛泽东同志带领的队伍会师了。

2. 红军在山上,山下不远处就是敌人。

3. 红军要巩固井冈山根据地,粉碎敌人的围攻,需要储备足够的粮食。

4. 井冈山上生产粮食不多,常常要抽出一些人到山下宁冈的茅坪去挑粮。

5. 从井冈山上到茅坪,来回有五六十里,山高路陡,非常难走。

6. 可是每次挑粮,大家都争着去。

7. 朱德同志也跟战士们一块儿去挑粮。

8. 他穿着草鞋,戴着斗笠,挑起粮食,跟大家一块儿爬山。

9. 白天挑粮爬山,晚上常常整夜整夜研究怎样跟敌人打仗。

10. 大家看了心疼,就把他那根扁担藏了起来。

11. 不料,朱德同志又找来一根扁担,写上朱德的扁担五个字。



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