
陈雷英语 语文教学 英语录音 第二册上 查看内容


2020-11-5 11:05| 发布者: admin| 查看: 467| 评论: 0

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Lesson Fifteen

Dayu Controls the Water

1. Long, long ago, floods often occurred.

2. Floods inundated the fields and destroyed the houses. Venomous snakes and beasts hurt people and livestock everywhere. People's lives were extremely painful.

3. The floods brought countless disasters to the people and had to be gotten under control.

4. At that time, a man named Gun led people to control the water.

5. He only knew how to build dams to control water. Nine years passed, but the flooding hadn't stopped.

6. His son Yu continued to control the water.

7. Yu had been away from his hometown for thirteen years.

8. In the past thirteen years, he had rushed around, only passing by his home three times.

9. Thinking that controlling the water was more important, he never went into the house to look around.

10. Yu learned a lesson from Gun's failure to control the flood waters and adopted the method of dredging the water.

11. Together with other people, he dredged many rivers and let the flood waters pass through these riverbeds to finally flow into the sea.

12. The floods finally receded, the venomous snakes and beasts were driven away, and people moved back to their homes.

13. Everyone cultivated the previously flooded fields. The agricultural production gradually recovered, and the people began to live and work in peace and contentment again.



floods 洪水(复数)

occurred 发生(过去式)

inundated 淹没(过去式)

destroyed 摧毁(过去式)

venomous 有毒的

livestock 牲畜

extremely 非常

painful 痛苦

countless 无数的

disasters 灾难(复数)

at that time 当时

dam 大坝

resist 抵抗

retreated 消退(过去式)

continued 继续(过去式)

hometown 家乡

past 过去

important 重要

failure   失败

adopted   采取(过去式)

dredging 疏导 (动名词)

finally 最后

were driven away 被赶走(现在完成时被动语态)

cultivated 耕种(过去式)

agricultural 农业

production   生产

gradually 渐渐

recovered 恢复(过去式)

contentment 满足



1. 很久很久以前,洪水经常泛滥。

2. 大水淹没了田地,冲毁了房屋,毒蛇猛兽到处伤害百姓和牲畜,人们的生活痛苦极了。

3. 洪水给百姓带来了无数的灾难,必须治好它。

4. 当时,一个名叫鲧的人领着大家治水。

5. 他只知道筑坝挡水,九年过去了,洪水仍然没有消退。

6. 他的儿子禹继续治水。

7. 禹离开了家乡,一去就是十三年。

8. 这十三年里,他到处奔走,曾经三次路过自己家门口。

9. 可是他认为治水要紧,一次也没有走进家门看一看。

10. 禹吸取了鲧治水失败的教训,采取疏导的办法治水。

11. 他和大家一起,疏通了很多河道,让洪水通过河道,最后流到大海里去。

12. 洪水终于退了,毒蛇猛兽被驱赶走了,人们把家搬了回来。

13. 大家在被水淹过的土地上耕种,农业生产渐渐恢复了,百姓重新过上了安居乐业的生活。


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