
陈雷英语 语文教学 英语录音 第一册下 查看内容


2020-11-11 09:36| 发布者: admin| 查看: 635| 评论: 0

摘要: .

Lesson Nineteen

Cotton Girl

1. Cotton Girl is ill, and there are many hateful aphids on the leaves.

2.How she longs for a doctor to treat her!

3. Swallows are here.

4. Cotton Girl says, "please help me and catch the pests!"

5. The swallow says, "I'm sorry, I can only catch insects flying in the air. You'd better ask others for help!"

6. Here comes the woodpecker.

7. Cotton Girl says, "please help me and catch the pests!"

8. The woodpecker says, "I'm sorry, I can only catch the pests in the tree trunk. You'd better ask others for help!"

9. The frog is here.

10. Cotton Girl says happily, "please help me and catch the pests!"

11. The frog says, "I'm sorry, I can only catch the pests in the field. You'd better ask others for help!"

12. All of a sudden, a group of round insects come and eat up all the aphids.

13. Cotton Girl asks them in surprise, "who are you?"

14. The bugs answer, "each of us has seven spots on the bodies, just like seven stars. Everyone calls us the Seven Star ladybug."

15. Soon, Cotton Girl gets well, she grows green leaves and  snow-white cotton.

16. She grins ear to ear.



cotton 棉花

ill 生病的

hateful 可恶的

aphids 蚜虫(复数)

longs 盼望

doctor 医生

treat 治病

swallows 燕子(复数)


insects 害虫(复数)


you'd better 你最好

other 其他

woodpecker 啄木鸟

trunk 树干

field 田地

all of a sudden 忽然

a group of 一群

round 圆圆的

eat up 吃光了

surprise 惊奇的

bugs 虫子

spots 斑点(复数)

bodies 身体(复数)

stars 星(复数)

ladybug 瓢虫

gets well 病好了

snow-white 雪白的

grins 咧嘴

ear to ear 合不拢嘴



1. 棉花姑娘生病了,叶子上有许多可恶的蚜虫。

2. 她多么盼望有医生来给她治病啊!

3. 燕子飞来了。

4. 棉花姑娘说:请你帮我捉害虫吧!

5. 燕子说:对不起,我只会捉空中飞的害虫,你还是请别人帮忙吧!

6. 啄木鸟飞来了。

7. 棉花姑娘说:请你帮我捉害虫吧!

8. 啄木鸟说:对不起,我只会捉树干里的害虫,你还是请别人帮忙吧!

9. 青蛙跳来了。

10. 棉花姑娘高兴地说:请你帮我捉害虫吧!

11. 青蛙说:“对不起,我只会捉田里的害虫,你还是请别人帮忙吧!

12. 忽然,一群圆圆的小虫子飞来了,很快就把蚜虫吃光了。

13. 棉花姑娘惊奇地问:你们是谁呀?

14. 小虫子说:我们身上有七个斑点,就像七颗星星,大家都叫我们七星瓢虫。

15. 不久,棉花姑娘的病好了,长出了碧绿碧绿的叶子,吐出了雪白雪白的棉花。

16. 她咧开嘴笑啦!



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