
陈雷英语 语文教学 英语录音 第二册下 查看内容


2020-11-12 08:50| 发布者: admin| 查看: 441| 评论: 0

摘要: .

Lesson Seventeen

If You Get Lost in The Wild

1.If you get lost in the wild,

2.don't panic.

3.Nature has many natural compasses

4.that can help you find your way.

5.The sun is a faithful guide,

6.which gives you directions from the sky.

7.It is in the south at noon,

8.but the shadow of trees on the ground points north.

9.The North Star is a street light

10.which is always hanging high in the north.

11.If you can recognize it,

12.you will not get lost in the dark.

13.If you encounter a rainy day,

14.the trees will come to your aid.

15.The leafy side is on the south,

16.while the leafless side is north.

17.Snow is particularly afraid of the sun.

18.Snow in ditches will give you directions.

19.You just need to find out on which side the snow melts faster,

20.and then you can tell between north and south.

21.If you get lost in the wild,

22.don't panic.

23.Nature has many natural compasses

24.that you nee d to observe and think about.



get lost 迷路

wild   野外

panic   慌张

nature   自然

compasses   指南针

direction   方向

faithful   忠实的

guide   向导

gives   (第三人称单数)

directions   方向 (复数)

south    南边

noon   中午

shadow   影子

ground   地面


north   北方

North Star 北极星

streetlamp   路灯

always   永远


high    高的

recognize   认出

dark   黑夜

encounter   遇到

rainy   下雨的

aid   帮助

leafy    叶稠的

south   南方

leafless    无叶的

north   北方


particularly    特别地

ditches   沟渠(复数 )

directions   方向(复数)


melts    融化(第三人称单数)

faster   更快

differentiate    分辨

get lost   迷路

panic   慌张

compasses   指南针

observe   观察

think about   思考



1. 要是你在野外迷了路,

2. 可千万别慌张。

3. 大自然有很多天然的指南针,

4. 会帮助你辨别方向。


5. 太阳是个忠实的向导,

6. 它在天空给你指点方向。

7. 中午的时候它在南边,

8. 地上的树影正指着北方。


9. 北极星是盏指路灯,

10. 它永远高挂在北方。

11. 要是你能认出它,

12. 就不会在黑夜里乱闯。


13. 要是碰上阴雨天,

14. 大树也会来帮忙。

15. 枝叶稠的一面是南方,

16. 枝叶稀的一面是北方。


17. 雪特别怕太阳,

18. 沟渠里的积雪会给你指点方向。

19. 看看哪边雪化得快,哪边化得慢,

20. 就可以分辨北方和南方。


21. 要是你在野外迷了路,

22. 可千万别慌张。

23. 大自然有很多天然的指南针,

24. 需要你细细观察,多多去想。



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