
陈雷英语 语文教学 英语录音 第二册下 查看内容


2020-11-12 08:55| 发布者: admin| 查看: 528| 评论: 0

摘要: .

Lesson Twenty-Five

Hou Yi Shoots Down the Nine Suns

1.A long, long time ago, on the sea at the eastern edge of the world, there was a large tree, a hibiscus.

2.There was a sun standing atop the branches of the tree, and there were nine more suns underneath.

3.Every day when dawn was approaching, the sun on the top of the tree branches would get in a two-wheeled cart and start to cross the sky from east to west.

4.The ten suns took turns every day, bringing light and warmth to everything on the earth.

5.But one day, the ten suns thought it was too boring to take turns, so they all ran out together and appeared in the sky. 

6.The ten suns were like ten big fireballs, scorching the earth.

7.The seedlings withered in the sun, the ground was scorched, the rivers and streams were dried up, and even the sand and stones on the ground seemed to melt.

8.The life of humans became very difficult.

9.The super legendary archer Hou Yi was determined to save people from such suffering.

10.He climbed over ninety-nine mountains and waded across ninety-nine rivers until he came to the eastern sea.

11.He climbed up a big mountain, prepared his magical arrow, drew his magic bow, aimed at one sun in the sky, and then released the arrow.

12.The sun burst open in an instant, and fireballs flew out everywhere.

13.Then, the sun fell to the ground with a plop.

14.Yi shot down nine suns in a row, and the scorching heat gradually subsided.

15.Yi reached for another arrow, preparing to shoot down the last sun.

16.The sun was so frightened that he hid in the sea in panic.

17.There was no sun in the sky, and the whole world became dark.

18.Yi thought that there would be no light and warmth without the sun. If that were the case, crops could not grow, and humans and animals could not survive.

19.So, Yi spared the last sun.

20.Since then, the sun rises from the east and sets in the west every day.

21.The land gradually became fertile, flowers and trees gradually flourished, the rivers and streams ran tempestuously with joy, and the earth once again teemed with life.



shoots    (第三人称单数)

a long, long time ago 很久以前

eastern   东边的

hibiscus   扶桑

atop   在顶上

branches   树枝(复数)

underneath   下边

dawn   黎明

was approaching 正接近

two-wheeled cart 两轮车

cross    穿

from east to west 从东往西

took turns 轮换

bringing   带来

light    光明

warmth   温暖

earth   地球

boring    无聊的

on duty 值日

ran out 跑出来

appeared   出现(过去式)

fireballs   火球(复数)

scorching   炙烤

seedlings   禾苗(复数)

withered    枯萎(过去式)

was burnt 被烤焦

streams   小溪(复数)

were dried out 被蒸干

sand   沙子

stones   石头(复数)

melt   熔化

life    生活

humans   人类

difficult   困难的

legendary   传说的

archer   弓箭手

determined    决定(过去式)

save   拯救

suffering   苦难

climbed over 爬过(过去式)

mountains    (复数)

waded across 蹚过(过去式)

rivers   (复数)

eastern sea 东海

climbed up 登上

prepared   准备(过去式)

magical   神奇的


magic bow 神弓

aimed at 对准

released   放开(过去式)

burst   爆裂

in an instant 瞬间

fireballs   火球(复数)

fell   掉落(过去式)

plop   噗噗声

in a row 连续

scorching heat 炎热

gradually   渐渐地

subsided   退去(过去式)


shoot down 射下

frightened   害怕的

hid   躲藏(过去式)

in a panic 慌慌张张地

dark   黑暗

thought    (过去式)

light    光明

warmth    温暖

without   没有

case   情况

crops    庄稼(复数)

humans    人类(复数)

animals   动物(复数)

survive   生存

spared    留下(过去式)

since then 从此

rises   升起(第三人称单数)

sets    落下(第三人称单数)

land   土地

fertile   肥沃的

flourished   茂盛的

flowed   流动(过去式)

tempestuously   剧烈地

joy   欢乐

teemed   大量出现(过去式)


























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